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Kony 2012


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getting slightly annoyed at everyone who watches a vid like that and doesen't think much afterwards and believes everything someone says. Only because it seems to be a good cause doesen't mean it really is one.

btw, anyone notice at 22:33 it says "and abducted children returned home" when they said somewhere around 10:00 that the kids were made to kill their parents?

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btw, anyone notice at 22:33 it says "and abducted children returned home" when they said somewhere around 10:00 that the kids were made to kill their parents?

Yes, because that's what happened. Then he tried to make change and he succeeded, in some respect.

There are still children being abducted and Kony needs to be stopped.

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read: this

So that article says: "He’s certainly evil, but exaggeration and manipulation to capture the public eye is unproductive, unprofessional and dishonest."

How do they know that what he does is true or not.

To be honest, I'm not necessarily supporting this campaign, however I do agree that the man is a criminal, but everything seems to be turning back on itself from what several different articles say.


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To be fair I'd probably say the key things were the lack of money going to the "charity organisation" itself, the way they believe direct military action is the best way and are actively supporting the Ugandan army with the money donated (note the links to news articles of the Ugandan army raping/looting/killing) and all that sort of stuff.

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What would my money do? Nothing i presume, just the same as these ad's on TV £12 a year isnt going to suddenly sprout an answer for cancer.

No, but your money would help support cancer research (hence the majority of adverts they do saying "Support cancer research"...). Research takes time, and also costs a shitload of money. Your money won't suddenly make a cure appear, but it can help allow people to find ways of dealing with it/curing it.

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They weren't all forced to kill their parents ;).

yeah but for me the "return home" part was just the last of the heart touching bit for the blind viewer who just sits and consumes, presuming everything on the internet must be 100% truthful.

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I dunno, the fact they've apparently talked the us into sending 100 army bodies over and got the support of some big names makes me think it's more than just a clever campaign.

US Government - Hey jason russell!

JR - Hey government, what's up!?

US Government - we need your help!

JR - Ok, what is the matter!?

US Government - we're looking to gain a foothold in central africa, preferably somewhere along the equator!

JR - Right, so what has that got to do with me? I'm just a film maker!

US Government - Well we need the backing of the American people before we can just send our troops in and claim land! We're hoping that you could take a trip over to Africa and find a sad, tragic story that the American people will sympathise with! This story will lead our propaganda campaign! The aim is get the support from the American people and hopefully world wide too, giving us an unquestionable moral reason to send our troops in!

JR - Wow, that gives me a lot to think about! Isn't there another way? Maybe there is another reason to send our troops in?

US Government - Well we did 9/11 last time, which worked perfectly! But we don't think the American people would buy it a second time round, also Africa poses no threat to the United States which makes things even harder!

JR - true, so what would i get out of this!?

US Government - $88k per annum, world wide fame, you'll become part of American and world history, all family expensive and travel paid for. The chance to work with all the best equipment and resources and fulfill your passion of film making. This is a once in a lifetime offer.

JR - Sounds good to me!

US Government - Ok, so the most resourceful equatorial country is Uganda (famously described by Winston Churchill as the ‘pearl of Africa’), we wish to send you there first.

JR - Ok, but what happens if the American people find out about all of this?

US Government - Uganda is not commonly visited by US citizens, so they can only see and believe what our media shows them! Good American soldiers helping the deprived children of Africa.

JR - Beautiful

US Government - Godspeed!


Yea kill Joseph kony, one less child killer can't be a bad thing!

Edited by totally steaming!!
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So that article says: "He’s certainly evil, but exaggeration and manipulation to capture the public eye is unproductive, unprofessional and dishonest."

How do they know that what he does is true or not.

To be honest, I'm not necessarily supporting this campaign, however I do agree that the man is a criminal, but everything seems to be turning back on itself from what several different articles say.


I have yet to see an article that states that kony isn't evil.

I can't quite see what you are confused about?

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Heres a break down from their official audit

Of the $8.9 million you spent in 2011:

$1.7 million in US employee salaries

$357,000 in Film costs

$850,000 in Production costs

$244,000 in "professional services" (DC lobbyists)

$1.07 million in travel expenses

$400,000 in office rent in San Diego

$16,000 in Entertainment


Only $2.8 million (31%) made it to your charity program (which is presumably further whittled down by local Ugandan officials and local management overhead) - what do the children actually get in goods & services?

this photo really does it for me!


mmmmmm i can smell the peace!

Edited by totally steaming!!
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Wait a minute... If Kony is making the boys into soldiers for his rebel group and this invisiblechild organisation is buying guns for the army there and want military from other countries to help to fight this rebel group, Won't they be gunning down all the boys that haven't managed to run away? Or am I missing something?

Edited by Mikee
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Wait a minute... If Kony is making the boys into soldiers for his rebel group and this invisiblechild organisation is buying guns for the army there and want military from other countries to help to fight this rebel group, Won't they be gunning down all the boys that haven't managed to run away? Or am I missing something?

no, you aren't missing anything I'm afraid. but most people cba thinking so far.

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more eviler than skeletor himself?

Most definately

No, but your money would help support cancer research (hence the majority of adverts they do saying "Support cancer research"...). Research takes time, and also costs a shitload of money. Your money won't suddenly make a cure appear, but it can help allow people to find ways of dealing with it/curing it.

But why does it cost so much?

My thoughts on the Kony propaganda are thus.

He's a cwnt locally.

America are c**ts globally.

Edited by Matt Vandart
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yeah what the guy is doing is wrong on so many levels and its disgusting.

But really if the UN or NATO etc wanted him dead or caught it could be done, but do they want to spend the time and resources?

Any way im staying out of that side of it all.

All I have to say on the matter is all these people posting on facebook saving the world one like at a time.

If you really want to make the world a better place try looking around your local community take a job in the care industry work with elderly people who no one cares about 75% of the time this includes their so called carers. The same is true for people with Learning disabilities although they do have it better as over the years people have stood up for them and stopped looking them away in "hospitals" that are really big prisons on the inside near enough. So if you want to make a difference to peoples lives try looking around and getting volunteer work or take a change of career, yeah the moneys terrible the hours aren't much better but and you wont look like a cool activist to your friends on the internet, but you will actually be making a difference as i highly doubt im ever going to meet the guy walking down the street.

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