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Kony 2012


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A guy called Kony has been abducting kids in Africa, forcing them to be soldiers and kill their own parents and other people. The female children are forced to be sex slaves.

If the children try to escape they are killed.

One guy has tried to make a difference. Now there are millions beside him to try and capture Kony.

Kony is #1 on the wanted list!

US soldiers were sent to Africa to help find him, but Kony found out about the US helping and has changed his tactics to make himself harder to find.

Kony is not famous or well known. Kony 2012 is a campaign to make Kony famous. Not to become a celebrity, but for everyone to be aware of his crimes.

Late at night on April 20th hundreds of thousands of people are going to post Kony 2012 sitckers, signs, posters and more all over the world. So on the 21st April everyone will see his face and know of his crimes.

The more people to support Kony 2012, the faster the US will train the African soldiers to use technology in order to track down Kony.

I do recommend watching it, you see what is really happening and you see the guy that started this search for Kony.

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Wow, shocking viewing! Will be very interested to see the outcome in April! Might have to coincide with a visit to see the girlfriend in London...

The sceptic in me thinks the $30 for the action kit might not see the front line of the problem, there should just be a printable version of the poster if the idea is to raise awareness.

Edited by Jolfa
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Compelling viewing, I kept expecting it to break into a 'that's why we need to pray' video but maybe that's just the sceptic/stereotyping part of me on hearing an American voice!

Certainly interesting way to look at things (not just on this subject) and will be keeping an eye on it but as Jolfa says, where's that money going? Are they a registered charity? Why no printable poster?

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There are printable posters, http://www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/52/523042/images/_origin_KONY-2012-2.jpg Theres also this link which is a look into the financial side of invisiblechildren, visiblechildren.tumblr.com. The truth behind that tumblr is I guess not known but it's there.

I'm for awareness but im in debate over whether this is more than just a very "good" charity campaign.

Edited by Rich J
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I haven't seen the video yet but I will watch it this evening...

One thing that irritates me about this 'campaign' is that they are planning to make this Kony chap 'famous'. Are they planning to make Mugabe 'famous' too? Maybe they'll have their own reality TV show by year end...

Infamous, 'famous' just seems to be pandering to our celebrity culture.

Then again I haven't seen the video, but #makekonyfamous is all over Twitface.




Edited by AndrewEH1
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The idea of being famous is being known, which is what they want to do, make Kony known to the world. But I can't help but feel, for the majority of people on my Facebook at least, this is a fad almost, but then again perhaps that could be the point even if you dont plan on doing anything you now know and are sharing his name.

It works whatever the aim is.

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I knew there would be a Kony bandwagon thread on TF, I just knew it.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

My thoughts are that its not even that bad, Killing the parents and what not is, but he is giving kids and teens jobs, what else would they do? farm, drink polluted water, very high chance of spreading aids, and then have kids (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDS_pandemic )

Africa is a corrupt place anyway and i dont see the point of having to pay? What would my money do? Nothing i presume, just the same as these ad's on TV £12 a year isnt going to suddenly sprout an answer for cancer. £30 or even £30000 isnt going to create a Kony tracker and its not like he is going to be found any time soon imo.

Osama Binlarden took 10 years to find, and he was only known worldwide because 9/11, What money went to the help find Osama charity?. Kony is only known worldwide because of this chaps video.

Bring on the hate or w/e.

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I was thinking the exact same thing.

My thoughts are that its not even that bad, Killing the parents and what not is, but he is giving kids and teens jobs, what else would they do? farm, drink polluted water, very high chance of spreading aids, and then have kids (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDS_pandemic )

Africa is a corrupt place anyway and i dont see the point of having to pay? What would my money do? Nothing i presume, just the same as these ad's on TV £12 a year isnt going to suddenly sprout an answer for cancer. £30 or even £30000 isnt going to create a Kony tracker and its not like he is going to be found any time soon imo.

Osama Binlarden took 10 years to find, and he was only known worldwide because 9/11, What money went to the help find Osama charity?. Kony is only known worldwide because of this chaps video.

Bring on the hate or w/e.

So your telling me that you think turning little kids into sex slaves and going around killing people for no apparent reason is better than farming, in which farming will help feed their family.

You have a messed up soul, sir.

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So your telling me that you think turning little kids into sex slaves and going around killing people for no apparent reason is better than farming, in which farming will help feed their family.

You have a messed up soul, sir.

Before you start getting all condescending 'n' shit, it might be worth reading some of the many other posts online about the 'other' side of Kony2012 and InvisibleChildren. Already been linked to, but yeah - there are two sides to every story.

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/Facepalm at those justifying the "famous" part.

AndrewEH1 was pointing out that the correct term is infamous. Re-read it, then post something.

They want to make him famous though, thats the term use. If you watch the video or have already seen it, they talk about making him as famous as the "famous" people they are using to support the cause. Theres no doubting he is imfamous but they want to make him famous for being infamous. If that makes any sense.

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They want to make him famous though, thats the term use. If you watch the video or have already seen it, they talk about making him as famous as the "famous" people they are using to support the cause. Theres no doubting he is imfamous but they want to make him famous for being infamous. If that makes any sense.

fa·mous   [fey-muhs]


1. having a widespread reputation, usually of a favorable nature; renowned; celebrated: a famous writer.

2. Informal . first-rate; excellent: The singer gave a famous performance.

3. notorious (used pejoratively).

in·fa·mous   [in-fuh-muhs]


1. having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.

2. deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable: an infamous deed.

3. Law:

a. deprived of certain rights as a citizen, as a consequence of conviction of certain offenses.

b. of or pertaining to offenses involving such deprivation.

They are complete opposites. Infamous is the correct term.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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But being well known for doing something (good or bad), see point 3 in your famous quote notorious is also true? I don't want to and won't be arguing with you, as I do agree with you but I also understand about them wanting to get him famous.

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