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My First Video For A Client


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I started working as an intern for my brother in January and I've been learning loads of stuff so I just thought I would show you guys what I've been up to and see what you think.

I've Just finished this video (scroll down the page abit) for a client. What do you guys think? theres a few things I've noticed that aren't so good so I wan't to see if anyone picks them up or whether I'm just being a perfectionist. I've been playing around with after effects recently I wish I would have discovered it before! It's quite nice to do a video thats not bmx for once.

I also designed the Equipment icons for the website any feedback is apreciated!

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It might just be my computer but I felt like the panning was a bit jolty? Other then that I can't think of any complaints. Maybe make it stand out with some screamo music?

Edit: Forgot to say I watched it again after I posted and didn't find it jolty, so complaint is now invalid.

Edited by bikeperson45
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Yes i know what you mean the trouble is i was using a wide angle lens, some of the spaces were really tight. I'm not completly happy with the images But i only had an hour to film because some people were checking in, so next time i should be able to have a whole morning to get some better shots without rushing.

Thanks for the replies!

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