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Giacomo Coustellier 2012 - Trial Inside


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Shouting because he is pushing himself at his limit, obviously very happy to make the move. Like akrigg chucking his bike and doing a backflip in trial noir. The hook in the middle was sick, I personaly like pure trials and less like the street stuff.

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agree with ali on this one, PROPPPPA tedious and to be honest the riding didnt look that impressive if im honest?

how often are you impressed by someone else side hop height though :D

hook was beast

rest of the riding was beast aswell but to repetitive

mostly when you know how tech he can be

I think the main problem here is the entertainment quality of the vids from guys like him

the bigger they go at riding the more boring the vids gets

but still, nothing about his riding

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how often are you impressed by someone else side hop height though :D

all the time! im impressed by ALOT of riding!:)

this year though im gonna try tech & style up my riding, after watching this it seems apparent that height/big moves arnt EVERYTHING.

Not necessarily, I just don't think that video was edited particularly well. If you've got a good rider, there's really nothing stopping you making a decent video from it.

exactly hes at the top level!if i was him id feel pressured into making a TOP END video, or atleast trying! :)

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Y the fook is he shouting, he got up the damm rock lol

he is just happy and doesnt care what others think

Do you think he ever has fun?

does any top athlete have fun? they wouldnt be doing if they wouldnt love it

and Giaco is doing tons of technical small moves, I dont know why the video editor didnt put them in

watch Giacos DVD to see small techy lines

anyway these kind of videos (no music, just huge moves) are perfect for learning and seeing the limits

its like any other sport, training videos are quite boring unless youre trying to learn something from there (for example there isnt many people who watch soccer training videos but tons of people watch it when 2 teams are competing)

entertaining part is the competitions

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I dont think any real effort went into making this a good video, its just a load of raw clips showing the power of Coust. Just looked like some rigorous training if you ask me, not really meant to look cool on camera. The editor could have definitely made it more pleasurable to watch though.

The cousts aren't gonna win any personality awards...they're just pushing the competition side of the sport.

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Still boring

we got the idea when you commented first time you didnt like it, i agree with the comments said pretty much. amazing riding though, would happpily watch again as i am one of those people who will watch a video purely just for the riding and not the editing etc. dont get how people can not like a video because of the clothes he wears though? and why are people slating because he screamed? surley some of you are not pushing your self hard enough if you have never failed something so many times that you are over the moon when you finally nail it. end verdict will watch it again not amazing video but amazing riding, he has the potential to make a amazing video!! one of the best riders in the world ~:)

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I dont think any real effort went into making this a good video, its just a load of raw clips showing the power of Coust. Just looked like some rigorous training if you ask me, not really meant to look cool on camera. The editor could have definitely made it more pleasurable to watch though.

The cousts aren't gonna win any personality awards...they're just pushing the competition side of the sport.

Yup, great describtion, and beside that i consider that this vid is a great one because it was pure riding skills, and no efects, no music - just Giacomo pushing hard.

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