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Giacomo Coustellier 2012 - Trial Inside


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i think its quite clear that this video was never any thing to for a million viewer attempt. just simply a video to purely show off his amazing riding. i feel that is done very well. videos are like horses for course after all. i would rather watch this video then danny mac's videos any day of the week.

Edited by 0zzy
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Views alone don't necessarily mean people want to watch a certain video, just take one look at Meatspin/Lemonparty/etc.

Yet again though, top riding without a doubt, just a shame it's another poor video rather than making the most of the opportunity to put out something decent. (Y)

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Because the riding is good, but the video itself was boring. Sounds like people wanted to see more riding, but wanted the actual video itself to be more interesting?

Maybe you should start a video forum then? Because this is a trials forum.

It's pointless talking about it not going to change the difference of opinions

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Whats the deal the guy is a machine when it comes to riding and this is trials at the purist level and hasnt been contaminated by bmx tricks call me old but at least he is riding and not on one of them bloody scooter thing

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Normally wouldn't bother with replying to this style of video, but since everyone is putting something forward, i might as well do to.

Was boring. I might have seen him ride before, can't remember. I do love trials, but ain't into his style.

What I can understand is if your so bored why didn't you just turn it off? Or where you curis see if he done some bmx trick?

Trials riders don't have to do 'stunts' to be enjoyable by the street riders. Sidehops, taps etc are all considered tricks by me on the streets. And if you're gonna execute that trick in way i don't like, then i ain't gonna like it.

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It a shame we have had some talented riders progress though the comp circuit over the years only to get to an age where, personal appearance and recognition seem to get the better of them. They would rather spend their time twirling round the local shopping centre. Instead of sticking with the sport, applying themselves, trainig had, using their skill and representing their country at the worlds.

Long live REAL trials...... :P

Ha ha, watch out kids. Don't get into street riding, you might wind up like that Danny MacAskill fella! Bet he's gutted he didn't work on his comp riding :)

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Some of the comments on this thread are a joke.

These types of video seem to get a lot of flak from the street and 24 inch brigade. References to tights, shoes and boring moves seem common. Says a lot about these disciplines in my opinion. I would argue that street, 24 and all that BMX'y bollocks are more concerned with showing off!!! Hence the need to put out well edited clips, with cool tracks and keep check on what outfit they have on!!!

It a shame we have had some talented riders progress though the comp circuit over the years only to get to an age where, personal appearance and recognition seem to get the better of them. They would rather spend their time twirling round the local shopping centre. Instead of sticking with the sport, applying themselves, trainig had, using their skill and representing their country at the worlds.

Long live REAL trials...... :P

Those "show offs" are the ones sponsored by top companies making great videos getting seen all over the world, being on tv, getting more & more people interested in the sport.

You can't really say the same for the ones hopping around in the woods wearing leotards, I'm sure he likes the way it makes his balls feel but it's hardly gonna draw people to the sport is it?

I know he doesn't give a shit about drawing in more attention to the sport, but riders like all the Inspired lot and anyone making big videos that get a lot of views are way more important to the sport than some bloke doin big hops in a forest somewhere.

So comp riders switching to street...I fail to see how that's a shame.

Edited by LEON
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Those "show offs" are the ones sponsored by top companies making great videos getting seen all over the world, being on tv, getting more & more people interested in the sport.

You can't really say the same for the ones hopping around in the woods wearing leotards, I'm sure he likes the way it makes his balls feel but it's hardly gonna draw people to the sport is it?

I know he doesn't give a shit about drawing in more attention to the sport, but riders like all the Inspired lot and anyone making big videos that get a lot of views are way more important to the sport than some bloke doin big hops in a forest somewhere.

So comp riders switching to street...I fail to see how that's a shame.

Really it's been said in the past that he's one of the most popular trials riders, if not the most popular rider.

Yea loads of people have seen a video of Danny Mac, but most of then don't even know his name they just know he rides up a tree

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Yea loads of people have seen a video of Danny Mac, but most of then don't even know his name they just know he rides up a tree

I can 100% guarantee that more of the public would be able to name or recognise Danny before Giacomo. I'd probably struggle to identify Giacomo in a line up (unless he was wearing his oh so cool tights and short shorts combo!).

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Really it's been said in the past that he's one of the most popular trials riders, if not the most popular rider.

Yea loads of people have seen a video of Danny Mac, but most of then don't even know his name they just know he rides up a tree

Popular among who? Trials riders who closely watch competitions? Your average person will have never heard of Giacomo, Danny Mac has been in newspapers in America, tv everywhere, rude-tube, millions of internet views, had a bloody event dedicated to him in Scotland, and rightly so, promotion-wise....what's Giacamo ever done?

He may be a pogo hero but no, hes nowhere near as well known as Danny and never will be. The image comp riding gives is not a viewer friendly one that's going to make him well known outside the hardcore fans.

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Am i still missin the point here i really dont understand y people need to bbe having this descussion at the end of the day we all particpate in a minority sport ridin around towns and cities etc so technicly speaking we are all promoting the sport as long as we enjoy our riding and the sport continues to progress who cares abought ur style or what u wear i mean if danny was to werar a big fluffy pink dress would that really matter as long as he is riding who cares

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Forgetting all the bitching going on this thread.......

This is an amazing video, and brings back so many memories!!!

Who remembers Trebor Softmints, and Mr Soffffttttttt.......

That static hook thing at 2:22 is f**king huge.

Impressive riding but as said, very boring to watch and his shouting just makes me want to travel to France to track him down and slap him everytime he does it. Something along the lines of being Tango'd I think would do it...


^ for those of you who are too young to have a clue what I'm on about.

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i love the way that some one says what has giaco done? hes only been world champion a few times dont suppose that counts for much :/ danny mac is getting just as predictable as tgs these days.

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i love the way that some one says what has giaco done? hes only been world champion a few times dont suppose that counts for much :/ danny mac is getting just as predictable as tgs these days.

Yes but in the real world, who gives a monkeys? No member of the public will have a clue who Giaco is, what biketrials is or who's world champion. Ask them about the guy riding over spiked railings or front flipping off of Edinburger Castle and there's a reasonable chance they'll know what your'e talking about. So yeah, outside of our very anal, rather odd little hobby, Giaco who?

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Fact: if I was a pro rider, I'd be sure to protect my 'brand' by not putting out vids that might get this reaction.

Big moves. If the edit was big too, this discussion wouldn't be happening. So how's about everyone stop trying to make this ANOTHER street vs comp/tgs thread?

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