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Giacomo Coustellier 2012 - Trial Inside


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I dont think any real effort went into making this a good video, its just a load of raw clips showing the power of Coust. Just looked like some rigorous training if you ask me, not really meant to look cool on camera. The editor could have definitely made it more pleasurable to watch though.

The cousts aren't gonna win any personality awards...they're just pushing the competition side of the sport.

we got the idea when you commented first time you didnt like it, i agree with the comments said pretty much. amazing riding though, would happpily watch again as i am one of those people who will watch a video purely just for the riding and not the editing etc. dont get how people can not like a video because of the clothes he wears though? and why are people slating because he screamed? surley some of you are not pushing your self hard enough if you have never failed something so many times that you are over the moon when you finally nail it. end verdict will watch it again not amazing video but amazing riding, he has the potential to make a amazing video!! one of the best riders in the world ~:)

Cant you just appreciate the unbelievable level of his riding and his training intensity? He attacks his riding in a completely different way to anyone on here...it has been his life's work after all and he also has the pressure of being number 2 in the Coustellier family which he explains in his dvd from 09.

Yes it was a boring/basic/lazy edit but he only cares about 1 thing and that is getting up that huge stone!

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That static hook thing at 2:22 is f**king huge.

Impressive riding but as said, very boring to watch and his shouting just makes me want to travel to France to track him down and slap him everytime he does it. Something along the lines of being Tango'd I think would do it...


^ for those of you who are too young to have a clue what I'm on about.

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I was bored on the first page of these comments, but it was curiosity that got me to the end wondering if any could be as stupid and pointless as the last!

What I can understand is if your so bored why didn't you just turn it off? Or where you curis see if he done some bmx trick?

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What I can understand is if your so bored why didn't you just turn it off?

Because the riding is good, but the video itself was boring. Sounds like people wanted to see more riding, but wanted the actual video itself to be more interesting?

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I was bored on the first page of these comments, but it was curiosity that got me to the end wondering if any could be as stupid and pointless as the last!

I was bored in the first minute of video, but it was curiosity that got me to the end wondering if the rest of it could be as poorly edited as the start!

But seriously, people have explained their thoughts pretty clearly so it seems like you're just trying to kick up more of a fuss yet again. Give it a rest already.

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Some of the comments on this thread are a joke. Yes the French have a tendency to be a bit over serious, but this is obviously a just a collection of clips from his training sessions. Im sure Giacomo considers himself an athlete and obviously applies himself as such. As a result he obviously dresses in what ever is best for him to perform in and with that amount of effort the shouting can some way be understood.

These types of video seem to get a lot of flak from the street and 24 inch brigade. References to tights, shoes and boring moves seem common. Says a lot about these disciplines in my opinion. I would argue that street, 24 and all that BMX'y bollocks are more concerned with showing off!!! Hence the need to put out well edited clips, with cool tracks and keep check on what outfit they have on!!!

It a shame we have had some talented riders progress though the comp circuit over the years only to get to an age where, personal appearance and recognition seem to get the better of them. They would rather spend their time twirling round the local shopping centre. Instead of sticking with the sport, applying themselves, trainig had, using their skill and representing their country at the worlds.

Long live REAL trials...... :P

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...Hence the need to put out well edited clips, with cool tracks and keep check on what outfit they have on!!!

Giacomo's one of the top riders in the world, representing the "original biketrials brand". Surely they'd want people to positively associate that video with their brand, and therefore have a video that people find interesting to watch?

It's interesting how you and Dave Kerr appear to have totally missed that it's just the video itself that people are saying is boring. Videos are purely made to entertain, otherwise why would they be made at all? Giaco doesn't need to make videos as they don't do anything for improving your worlds ranking or anything like that, so the only logical reason can be to try and entertain the viewer. That's generally achieved better with a video that's edited better. In much the same way, people loved the K-124 Days video from Tribalzine this year because the riding was well filmed and the video was edited together well. It showcased the riding well and was interesting to watch. That's the whole point of a video...

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Street and 24 brigade? BMX'y bollocks?

It's all showing off if you see it like that.

I see it all as progression.

Good rider, s*** scream. Horrible tights but those shoes are my kind of thing, along with my BMX, my 24 and my trials bike.

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Giacomo's one of the top riders in the world, representing the "original biketrials brand". Surely they'd want people to positively associate that video with their brand, and therefore have a video that people find interesting to watch?

Exactly. If you look for videos of someone like Toni Bou, the most watched are often the ones of him pissing about challenging himself doing stuff on the back wheel. People aren't that interested in him attacking the same rock in the same way again and again or in fact really efficiently getting though a section- he knows that people are impressed and respect the awkward moves which are clearly challenging him.

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