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Tnn Blacks


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It's almost like no one read the description.

Quick hour to film some clips showing the pads.

not: eight months thoroughly testing the pads to their absolute limit to show public how amazing they are.

It says that there are several other riders testing them. I'm sure there will be more videos showing them in more extreme conditions before they come out.

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That is some of the biggest load of bollocks I've heard here in a long time. The fact that some people can ride some of those obstacles brakeless doesn't take away from the fact he did, in fact, use his brakes. Some of those up to rears were hanging pretty decently off the edge of the obstacle, and the brake held. Put the same person in the same position with no brake and it obviously wouldn't hold. Put the same person in the same position there with standard black pads, and it wouldn't hold. This one did. Whether that makes it an awesome pad isn't for me to say, but to discount it because it could be done by someone else in a different technique entirely is just rubbish. I do, however, agree that a bigger variety of obstacles (including steep banks) should be used in a proper test obviously.

Indeed utter bollox is the only thing coming from you!

Don't mean to be offensive but I take it your still playing on curbs ? Because you don't have any understanding of trials.

Shall I make a video with standard black magura pads for you ?

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