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The Change From Mod To Stock.


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I've been told many times that the change to a stock increases your riding ability and all that. Is there anybody that can confirm this with me ?

I'm toying with the idea of changing over and have been for a while now. I have only ridden mod ever since i started and however am still skeptical about the

whole thing incase i want my mod back, but just can't afford to have both.

So anybody thats done this before let me know your opinions please ! :)


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Stick with mod until you're not comfortable with it any more.

Ride other people's stock bikes and when you decide you like one more than your own, swap then.

A lot of riders start on mod and move to stock but often this is because they start young, and swap as they get old enough and have the power to chuck the stock bike around.

Some riders never change up.

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I rode mod for a year or two about 5 years ago when I was 15, Recently got back into it a month ago and bought a Zoo piranha from tarty. I used to like the occasional blast on a 26 when i used to ride so thought I'd be better suited

Nowadays being over 6ft. Happy to say I made the right decision as I ride better after a month of riding stock than i used to be able to on my echo team. I'd say go for it :)

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when i used to have a go on peoples stocks i used to feel to small. But now that I'm a better rider with more power had a go again and do feel more comfortable on a stock now. However i definitely think i wouldn't be able to ride as big as i can on my mod...maybe thats just a confidence and change over thing. Would probe have to get used to it over few weeks. I might just do it and hope it's the right choice haha.


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Hmm, i'm not sure how much i want to go down the 24" route... i have considered it but not sure as of yet. I know someone with a 24 i'll see if i can get to see him at some point and test it, and got an offer to test a 26 at easter when i'm home from uni. And yeah i think it would just take time to get used to it as you said Tommy. Also will be a nice change from a mod after like 5 years ! haha


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Ive decided to take the plunge and do the change after being told by pretty much everyone I ride 26" better, and I feel better on one too.

If you feel like your needing to, go for it. Try a few out and see which geo's and setups you like so you can gauge how you would like yours to be setup.

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I'm another who's recently made the change. I had about a 6 month rest from riding before i changed to stock, so I can't compare it to my mod too well.

The 26" definitely feels a lot nicer to me. Feels a lot less cramped than a mod and feels more like a normal bike. Gaps, and rolling moves are all much easier. I find moves like sidehops a bit trickier though. This is just from my experience, and as mentioned above you should try out some friends bikes and see what you think.

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Well I know it's not exactly the same but recently I got an Echo 2011 24" and even after just a couple of days on that I had noticed my riding was better and going back on my mod I could side about 2 inches higher than before so I use it as a street bike and learn moves on it so when riding the 20" for natural I preform better . I assume it carries over to switching to stock . :rolleyes:

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I've been told many times that the change to a stock increases your riding ability and all that. Is there anybody that can confirm this with me ?

Yep, I wasted 5 years riding on a mod. Currently on my 7th year of riding a stock and I'm still loving it.

One of my friends was an avid mod rider for many years and he's recently gone over to a 26" bike. As mental as his riding was before the change, it's now become silly. And he openly admits that he wouldn't have dreamt of doing most of that stuff on a mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always mountain biked prior to trials, so i bought stock, and i love it.

But for me it was more or less a straight cross over, as for stocks being heavier,

i know it's not much of a comparison,

but the inspired skye 24" weighs in at 11.95kg,

and my stock is only just over a 1kg more.

But i'm 6"2.

I suppose it's mainly based loosely around what people started on, and feel more confident and comfortable handling.

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I was riding stock from 15 to 18. you can see from my video on youtube, that I've progressed and I only really rode an Echo control so its not like its the bike changing the way i ride. and I've been back riding about 2 years on a Mod and YES im not upto the level i was, I wont ever be. I could side hop about 3 inch above bar on my Onza ice, now on my Monty its totally different. Not sure whether its the bike, or me....

BUT if you at a level where you can say "yes Ill try stock and see how it goes" go for it, I loved it! (in my head i should be riding a stock, but money is tight!!)

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I've recently made the change, and i can already see an improvement in my riding within weeks. Plus things seem smaller compared to a bigger bike! But am still tempted by a 24", as its got to be the best of both worlds!!

Edited by dododo1
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