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Zoo Piranha 2011(Much Better Pics+Upgrade)


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Hello all,so im new in this forum and i thaught that i gona make a little topic here and show my bike.








frame zoo piranha 2011

fork echo pure 2006?

front brake random v brake with sram lever

headset echo sl

chain Trialtech Z610 HX

handlebar triatech sport riser

wheels echo tr rims with tr hubs

rear brake:magura hs33 with echo tr link,echo tr clamps,trialtech 2bolt booster,tnn bealey pads(i hate these pads)

front tire kenda nevegal 2,1 rear tire rubberqueen 2,4

bb echo

cranks echo

pedals echo platform

stem tryall 130 30 with homemade top gap

whole weight now with these tires about 10kg

also can see more pictures in my album,there are some older pictures of my bike befour the upgrades.


Edited by nuuskm6mm
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how long have you had the bealeys? i hated them at first.. they slipped and i got no sound... even when they were perfectly set up, then gradually they started to get loud and now never slip even when they are set up slightly out... i think they all take a while to get working, just go down a road whith your break on, it worked for me it might work for you too

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how long have you had the bealeys? i hated them at first.. they slipped and i got no sound... even when they were perfectly set up, then gradually they started to get loud and now never slip even when they are set up slightly out... i think they all take a while to get working, just go down a road whith your break on, it worked for me it might work for you too

havent had them for long ,thanks for that information,i gona try that

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