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Retro Porno Bikes


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Just wanted to show off what I've spent the day doing :P


Borrowed a few bits off my Hawzee rep (which I will be replacing with upgrades, in keeping with Hawzees spec on his version cause I'm sad like that!)

To build up


My pub commuter.

The Norco used to be my trials bike, but even back then the geometry was appalling, worst waste of £500 ever!


That's how it used to look :)

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Just proves the concept of sponsorship works. I bet, like everyone else at the time you thought it was awesome because ryan leech rode one? We all did it.... Can't say i thought the giant was that great either though, had one a couple of years ago and it wasn't all that, nice spec though!

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Just proves the concept of sponsorship works. I bet, like everyone else at the time you thought it was awesome because ryan leech rode one? We all did it....

Damn right, back in the days when the only place you were going to see footage of other riders was on VHS, Evolve and Contact sold the Norco to me, and Tricks & Stunts (& Bi-King) made me want the Giant.

Only bought the Giant a couple of years back mind, because I had one back in the day and absolutely loved it... Mainly because it was, and still is the only frame I've ever had, that was built with trials in mind :P


So I had to have another :) And since all the old stuff I always wanted is now pretty much worthless, I can build it to dream spec too ^_^

I should've always gone for the white Norco too, and I found a few places I could've got one at the time, not entirely sure why I opted for the red model :rolleyes:

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By the way is that a Xlite Phatso rim on the rear?

But of course ^_^

Got some Turbine LP cranks to go on with a Filthy Ard Gard, Azonic bars, XTR front brake and I'm building up a new front wheel (Sunset Mavic with an old Hope hub with the optional disc adaptor which I'll be building snowflaked), I'm also after a purple or red rear Ti-Glide/Bulb hub with the disc option again and yellow Magura lever :)

Love the Giant, but the Norco is so much nicer to get about on, and since I don't ride trials anymore anyway, it's pretty much just a fashion accessory :lol:

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