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Why Has My Rb Lever Cracked On The Lever Blade?


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Okay well the first one is the lever in front of my computer screen with the hydraulics and lever body on the left (not in picture) the thin bit of light you see is the crack. The lever blade is drilled from standard btw.

The second photo is the lever blade with the hydraulics and lever body on the right (not shown) and the silver bit is the end of the lever blade where your finger goes causing paint to wear off. The thin black line you see is the crack.

Ill see if I can get a pic of the whole lever.

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how this could have happened?

The lever blade is drilled from standard btw

There'll most likely have been a stress riser from an imperfection where you've put a great big hole in the thing. Throw in a bit of use over time and some funky stresses and bingo, there's a crack.

Edit; I'm assuming you mean it's been drilled by you/someone, rather than meaning 'drilled as standard'?

Either way though, unless it's had a weird knock it'll more than likely be a stress riser/fatigue related crack.

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There'll most likely have been a stress riser from an imperfection where you've put a great big hole in the thing. Throw in a bit of use over time and some funky stresses and bingo, there's a crack.

Edit; I'm assuming you mean it's been drilled by you/someone, rather than meaning 'drilled as standard'?

Either way though, unless it's had a weird knock it'll more than likely be a stress riser/fatigue related crack.

They come from the factory with a great big hole in them. He hasnt done anything to it.

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There'll most likely have been a stress riser from an imperfection where you've put a great big hole in the thing. Throw in a bit of use over time and some funky stresses and bingo, there's a crack.

Edit; I'm assuming you mean it's been drilled by you/someone, rather than meaning 'drilled as standard'?

Either way though, unless it's had a weird knock it'll more than likely be a stress riser/fatigue related crack.

Like this: 430119_380399735310070_100000201410737_1681266_442991021_a.jpg

They come from the factory with a great big hole in them. He hasnt done anything to it.


What i want to know is why has it cracked horizontally as appose to verically which could cause a snap or something?

EDIT: off the RB website (http://www.rbdesign.sk/en/en_index.htm) ergo_1f_db_01.jpg

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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