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Just drawing up another MSPaint image haha, 2 secs :)

Edit, ok.

Yeah, your formula is spot on, here's the working/explanation:

Ok, starting hanging down as required this time!


We know that we can split up the 2m start rod into 2*cos(theta) + 0.027

(Is that clear from the image, if not shout)

So, we know that 2*cos(theta) = 2 - 0.027

as such, cos(theta) = (2-0.027)/2

so theta = arccos((2-0.027)/2)

=0.165 rad or around 9.425 degrees


I think that's about right, though I'm in the middle of 2 other bits of coursework/coding so I may very well not be thinking straight :P

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Never heard the full version before. Extremely frustrating just to listen to. It's unbelievable that out of all the people he spoke to non of them seemed understand basic maths.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yo so its 10, 11 and 12 im stuck on. Any help.please !! pulling ny teeth out :(

Without knowing what you've done on the course/expected to know I'm going to assume you've covered some basic differentiation? (Since that's what 10/11 seem to want you to do)

10 is just a bit of differentiation. Once gives you stationary points and twice tells you about the nature of them. Though from plotting the curve (or just visualising it since it's a relatively straightforward x^3 type) you should be able to get a pretty good idea of things.

11. Again, differentiating gives you velocity. From here you should be able to find the value of t for v(t) = 0 and work out the other parts (acc. = dv/dt as usual)

12. Will write up some shiz and get in here to try and explain it after food (Y)

Edit; f**k it, I've got a minute while things are cooking. This should get you going ;)


From there, you've got a function in x much like in Q10. Find the maximum of this function for the final part of the question (Y)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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