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Tra Step 1 - Indoor W/ Inspired Hex


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as "Crazy street trials w/ TRA on Inspired Hex " (

) was the main video of Step 1, this is the indoor version.

Step 1 was to primarily film some short sequences on how the inspired could be handled as a trials bike.

This is just a few short clips of me riding the Inspired Hex in an indoor arena for mototrials which is not suiting for street trials at all.

Now begins the large task of learning a few new tricks along with planning and finding locations for a proper video , which is step 2.

Hope you all enjoy this short little video.

Thx to sponsors:

Inspired - www.inspiredbicycles.com /bike

Allsport Dynamics - www.allsportdynamics.com /wrist braces

TNN Engineering - www.tnnengineering.com /brakepads

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He do not see the idea behind making peoples lives better, sees only how to have things simple with restrictions. And just make sure theres always

a non crowded place for his son to ride, which actually falls out of this discussion ,since we can be there whenever no one is there.

Selfish thoughts behind it, which is rather indescribable, but what sums it up is this thought pattern:

"I did something and therefor i demand who to be able to play, preferrably only myself."

But every logical thought patterns crumbles apart with the idea that having us there, for a certain amount would only be a contribution

to theyr club,income and helping hands.

This is the world of biketrials and my own struggles with the sport, no body gives a f**k about us dumb biketrialers.

I personally feel that every step i take, i get it right back in my face with an added laugh.

I don´t get people like him.What´s his problem???

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He does not see the idea behind making peoples lives better, sees only how to have things simple with restrictions. And just make sure theres always

a non crowded place for his son to ride, which actually falls out of this discussion ,since we can be there whenever no one is there.

Selfish thoughts behind it, which is rather indescribable, but what sums it up is this thought pattern:

"I did something and therefore i demand who to be able to play, preferably only myself."

But every logical thought patterns crumbles apart with the idea that having us there, for a certain amount would only be a contribution

to their club,income and helping hands.

This is the world of bike trials and my own struggles with the sport, no body gives a f**k about us dumb bike trialsters.

I personally feel that every step i take, i get it right back in my face with an added laugh.

That is rather shocking to hear that coming from an internationally known pro rider, who has contributed many years of his trade to our sport.

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