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The Verb "to Ride Trials".


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I have a problem whilst telling anybody what I was doing at the weekend.

I started off in texting by putting "trialsing", which sounded wrong.

"trialing" sounded just as bad, and it makes me sound like I'm making a person run around some circuit of death.

"riding trials" is a bit long, but sounds right.

"running trials" sounds a lot better, but again, it's a bit long.

Am I just overthinking this, or do other people have the same problem? blushing.gif

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I've always wondered this aswell as there has been a few people that ask what I've been doing and the out on my bike comment has caused major confusion and when i say its a trial bike they look at me weird and say they haven't heard of that name then i simplify it and say its a trick bike and they always seem to start going on about distance riding and scenery untill i finally click and realise they heard trek not trick so i give up

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The only problem with riding is people presume that riding is both wheels on the ground all the time usually at speeds unknown to trial bikes going some sort of distance

Yea when I say I've been out for a ride people ask me 'where did you go ?'

err... the road outside my house, I rode a bench, some walls and tried to ride the postbox...

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Yea when I say I've been out for a ride people ask me 'where did you go ?'

err... the road outside my house, I rode a bench, some walls and tried to ride the postbox...

Lol definate conversation killer with the postbox lol i might have to try that

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I'm just long winded then because i would put riding trials, it takes an extra second to put the extra word in if you really want people to know what your doing? But again i never take my phone out riding with me unless i'm expecting a call due to a tenancy of falling off alot. Generally i'm out try again later :P

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