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Scott Gibbs

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I thought i would start a topic about most peoples favourite thing FOOD! Just would like to hear peoples favourites or a quick snacks you knock up when get home from a ride or the PUB! Or a real nice proper meal you would cook on a sunday, Those sort of things really.

Heres mine,

(not very healthy but rather good)

A length of french stick, warmed up split down the middle. Stuffed with sliced chicken breast, bacon and a handful of micro chips!

Edited by bender b rodreguez
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crispy shredded beef in chilli sauce, pepped up with extra chillies. egg fried rice, prawn crackers, and 4 tins of fosters. perfect friday night bachelor meal. and a full bag of chicken and thyme sensations for afters

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My dad makes the best currys ever. He uses only fresh ingredients - spices, herbs, vegetables - and leaves the curry overnight for the flavour to go through the chicken. They are really sensational meals.

Other meals I enjoy are pepper steaks, pasta with tomato sauce made from fresh tomatoes and onions and roasts - duck, game and of course pork with crackling.

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JT's 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese with Cheese went down well tonight. Basically just cheese sauce and pasta with 5 cheeses, doesn't matter what the cheeses are so long as there's 5 of them. Otherwise you'll be making JT's 4 Cheese Mac and Cheese and that's only 80% as good.

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Ha, never claimed it was original! I knew it was too much of a good idea for me to be the first person to think of it - the first thing I did was check the internet to see if there were any improvements on the recipe I had in my head! :P

Try making it with mozzarella cheese and green olives.

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Ha, never claimed it was original! I knew it was too much of a good idea for me to be the first person to think of it - the first thing I did was check the internet to see if there were any improvements on the recipe I had in my head! :P

:P I used to buy a pack of chicken chunks and put that on it, peppers too.

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Tonight im making chicken and bacon pasta bake following this recipe.


It's absolutely amazing. So so good. Try it everyone :)

Love cooking, nothing more relaxing than spending an hour in the kitchen blasting out some post hardcore (relaxing?), drinking a bottle of wine and cooking. Love it.

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So i was told to do this and did...

Chili Coke Roast Ingredients:

1 beef roasting joint

1 can Coca-Cola

1 onion soup mix

1 bottle chili sauce


Place all ingredients in pyrex dish/casserole pot and cook for 7-10 hours depending on size of roast at about 140 degree or gas mark 4ish.. . You wont need the full bottle of chilli sauce about half. The meat will flake apart when done. And serve over mashed potato.

Edited by Miss-Higgy
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Last night I had a simple stir-fry.....


Chicken, Brown Rice, Carrots, courgette, mushrooms, red pepper, broccoli, onion, mange tout, soy sauce and garlic granules.


Chop up chicken breats and brown off in wok, add diced onion and a spinkle of soy sauce cook for 5 mins (start boiling the rice at the start).

Add each veg 1 at a time allowing 2-3mins between adding, chopped up veg quite small. each time you add veg give a sprinkle of garlic and a sprinkle of soy.

Once it's all in and cooked drain the rice and chuck it in the wok, stir for a couple of minutes and serve.


It was tasty!

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JT's 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese with Cheese went down well tonight. Basically just cheese sauce and pasta with 5 cheeses, doesn't matter what the cheeses are so long as there's 5 of them. Otherwise you'll be making JT's 4 Cheese Mac and Cheese and that's only 80% as good.

It's true, you're one of them.

I'm the worst cook in the entire world. Everything I make is very bland, very functional, and pretty good for you. I made some burgers recently which were OK in terms of numbers, but the strongest tasting thing was the cheese. Still awaiting JD to finger the recipe and tell me what seasoning to use. :P

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Last night I had a simple stir-fry.....


Chicken, Brown Rice, Carrots, courgette, mushrooms, red pepper, broccoli, onion, mange tout, soy sauce and garlic granules.


Chop up chicken breats and brown off in wok, add diced onion and a spinkle of soy sauce cook for 5 mins (start boiling the rice at the start).

Add each veg 1 at a time allowing 2-3mins between adding, chopped up veg quite small. each time you add veg give a sprinkle of garlic and a sprinkle of soy.

Once it's all in and cooked drain the rice and chuck it in the wok, stir for a couple of minutes and serve.

No sauce? Apart from soy obvzz. Sounds kinda dry, no?

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The guy knows what he's doing. I think a sauce in a stir fry ruins it. Soy's all you need.

Werd. If you've got flavours in there already then a little soy and you're sorted. Particularly if you run some noodles instead of rice.

If you're using rice though, always worth cooking the day before and leaving it in the fridge - dries it out a touch to stop things getting starchy and sticky (Y)

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Werd. If you've got flavours in there already then a little soy and you're sorted. Particularly if you run some noodles instead of rice.

If you're using rice though, always worth cooking the day before and leaving it in the fridge - dries it out a touch to stop things getting starchy and sticky (Y)

You've clearly had a lot of experience making stir frys. Tips like that do not come over night.

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