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Good Chain Splitters


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Right, I hate splitting my chain, it's horrible. I get the bike just finished apart from the chain and the chain breaker just f**ks up.

I have it in the correct slot and I make sure the screw in bit lines up with the pin. But, because this chain isn't a cheapy paper thin one the chain breaker can't handle it and just bends the screw bit, or the slots snap. I've gone through 4 splitters, fed up of cheap ones. Could have bought a good one buy now but any good ones you recommend?

This would be most useful.

Edited by Echo-SL
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was given the master park tool by the gf for christmas....other than being complete overkill, it is so good!

does it with ease, and leaves me safe in the knowledge that my chain is less likely to snap mid move down to a my poor attempts with a crap tool

will never need replaced, so really in the whole scheme of things...why not?! ;)

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Best one i ever used was one in a bike shop that was adjustable, hardly even felt the pin push out and going back together, was so smooth and no pliers need to bend chain side to side to free up tight link

I have had almost all brands over the 15-20 year of biking and all the same, utter junk unless you buy a good quality workshop one that adjusts that will last you a life time, would have been better buying a dear one than getting all those cheap ones

Think the idea of the park tools and such like is an emergency tool splitter for mtb and on the go and not for trials as we change chains on a regular basis and at home

Same idea with headset tools , the amount of times i got lbs to fit headset i would have been cheaper buying the tools and doing it myself

I have now reverted to my toppeak alien multi tool to split chains but going to invest in workshop/pro tools

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I've got the Halfords own brand one. In fairness its been mega reliable had it 3 years and its not given me a single problem.

realy?! I've snapped the slots of one o those twice, and bent the pin once as well. Yours must be made out of melted down Terminator or something! I think that thing needs it's own display case! :giggle:

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90% of chain tools are designed for 3/32 chains or thinner.

In most cases you need specific chains tools for 1/8th BMX/Track chains - if that is what you are running.

If you are running a 1/8th chain (like a KMC KOOL) then you're best off switching over to the Z610 HX chains

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Definitely never had an issue with the only chain tool I've ever had - it's 10+ years old and cost me about a fiver. Definitely no more than £10, because I was even more of a tight b*****d then than I am now! Maybe some of you need to be a bit more careful and remember that what you're trying to force out is exactly what you didn't want to move not so long ago. Of course it's going to be a tight fit, just go easy and maybe add a bit of penetrative lube?

Incidentally, that's what she said.

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saying that, i bought a cheap chain tool £7/8, broke it and took it back for another as i thought it may be user error

broke that one, and when the guy at the bike shop had issue with offering a refund, i asked that he use it on the same chain...same thing happened, he broke it and ended up taking them off the shelf

some do work, it was a halfords multi-tool that ended up splitting my chain with ease

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90% of chain tools are designed for 3/32 chains or thinner.

In most cases you need specific chains tools for 1/8th BMX/Track chains - if that is what you are running.

If you are running a 1/8th chain (like a KMC KOOL) then you're best off switching over to the Z610 HX chains

Well, I'm not sure of much good BMX chain splitters. I like the Kool because it's very strong and lasting, but I just need to find something that can handle it.

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