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Footjam Whip Help? Edited!


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it look's like all you need to do is commit to it approxiamtely 0.5% more and you will have nailed them, the only thing i noticed that may help you a little bit is to throw your weight a teeny bit further forwards immediately after you jam your foot in the tyre, like lean over the stem a little further perhaps, i find it helps me anyway.

make sure you post a vid of you nailing them when you've got them (Y) (which will be in about 24 hours i reckon seeing as your that close already :lol: )

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congrats! There is still one thing though, looks like you need to coordinate the jump off the pedals and the foot on the tyre a little better as at the moment your front foot is coming off sooner which is making your back foot spin the cranks around which is why you are landing switch. Try and get both feet off together or at least don't keep as much weight on your back foot.

trying it brakeless would be the best practice as you pretty much have to jump into it at the same time as kicking the frame around otherwise it doesn't work.

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i didnt even realise i was landing switch! i was wondering why the pedals were spinning sometimes when I go for the whip. and i was trying it brakeless but i'm running the wide echo urban forks and my foot keeps getting stuck between the forks. ill have another pop at it tomorrow and see if I can get better. cheers for all your advice ali.

Edited by Carlperkins
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