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Hmmm... Which To Choose

Matt Vandart

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well who else are you talking to you goon :L ?

You. PM me if you've actually got a problem. Otherwise, seriously: f**k off.

The only people getting defensive here are.. well.. you now. The rest of us are just saying we have fun on our bikes and used to ride comps, just like you. Dave has dropped it, so your tongue can get out of his arse and back to your sister.

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opinions i have stated in this topic have not been distasteful towards street at all. as said i ride with some one who rides a very streety style. show us how to have fun? lol! think if you actually knew me then you would find that i am all about fun, and im pretty sure that any one that has met me decentley will vouch for that, get your head out of your arse.

If any of this is directed towards me, I am sorry. It was not meant to say that you 'hate' street, it was in reply to your post trying to understand why there seems to been a huge difference in opinion.

I never said that you are not all about the fun. I don't know you, never pretended that I did, maybe one day I will. Who knows.

Nor did I say that street riders show competition riders 'how to have fun'. I said that most street riders don't care what style you ride, as long as you are having fun - who cares?

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jd,giving it the big one behind a computer screen does not make you cool, how have i got my noes up daves arse? is that the same way that you have your nose up everyones arse that has a seat? the reason i am getting defensive is because snobby people like you who think they are something that they are not. what gives your the right to speak to me like im dull? your clearly not getting any action on the weekends, or resorting to shagging fat chicks. because your testaustarone is through the ceiling.

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jd,giving it the big one behind a computer screen does not make you cool, how have i got my noes up daves arse? is that the same way that you have your nose up everyones arse that has a seat? the reason i am getting defensive is because snobby people like you who think they are something that they are not. what gives your the right to speak to me like im dull? your clearly not getting any action on the weekends, or resorting to shagging fat chicks. because your testaustarone is through the ceiling.

I said PM. Out.

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Let us all take a moment to reflect on the separation created by Jesus himself and taken on by the capitalist pig f**kers that is ruining the human races' potential to live in harmony with each other and nature within the universe.

Hold hands everyone and smile..............

Wait a minute, you're the one that started this! I hope you're happy alot...

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because i dont follow the crowd. its stupid, opinions and facts are not allowed on this forum if not already passed by the trials forum police.

I think that part of the issue is that a few competition style riders have such a distaste for street riders whereas pretty much all street riders don't really give a shit, as long as you are having fun on a bike, whatever wheel size or geometry it may be, it doesn't matter.

You don't even know the guy.. Ozzy hardly has a 'distaste' for street riders, he rides with me almost every day and my 2 bikes are an Echo Pure '04 and an Ashton Effect.

As mentioned below:

opinions i have stated in this topic have not been distasteful towards street at all. as said i ride with some one who rides a very streety style. show us how to have fun? lol! think if you actually knew me then you would find that i am all about fun, and im pretty sure that any one that has met me decentley will vouch for that, get your head out of your arse.

I thought this topic was to help Matt to make an informed decision on which bike is better for him, not to argue about different types of trials biking. At the end of the day its all trials biking, I'm glad the 'sport' has become so popular that we actually have different variations of trials. In my eyes all the different 'scenes' (comp / natural / TGS / street / brakeless / 20" / 24" / 26") are all pretty cool versions of biking (Y)

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what gives your the right to speak to me like im dull? your clearly not getting any action on the weekends, or resorting to shagging fat chicks. because your testaustarone is through the ceiling.

I'd imagine JD's long-term girlfriend might say otherwise. In related news, you sort of answered your own question with the sentence that followed it.

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Me with my head up my arse? You're the one constantly thinking every comment is about you. Again, I'm not quoting you. Stop thinking the world revolves around you, your ridiculous arguments and shit insults. Honestly, it doesn't.

Technically you're quoting him whistling.gif

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Technically you're quoting him whistling.gif

Haha, I knew someone would pull me on that. Guilty as charged :P Our PMs were very civil, seems sorted.

I still stick by the fact that Matt started this purely for the argument :P I'll eat some humble pie when he gets one of them ;)

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You don't even know the guy.. Ozzy hardly has a 'distaste' for street riders, he rides with me almost every day and my 2 bikes are an Echo Pure '04 and an Ashton Effect.

As mentioned below:

I thought this topic was to help Matt to make an informed decision on which bike is better for him, not to argue about different types of trials biking. At the end of the day its all trials biking, I'm glad the 'sport' has become so popular that we actually have different variations of trials. In my eyes all the different 'scenes' (comp / natural / TGS / street / brakeless / 20" / 24" / 26") are all pretty cool versions of biking (Y)

Actually read my comments before jumping in...I was never talking about Ozzy

Edited by AndrewEH1
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Actually read my comments before jumping in...I was never talking about Ozzy

I did read your comments, I also read 7 pages of other peoples comments (there's been some quite entertaining arguments in here!)and may have got people mixed up. Fair enough if you weren't referring to him, just a lot of people were so I backed him up a little.

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