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Hmmm... Which To Choose

Matt Vandart

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cheers cai thats exactly the point i was trying to say, too many narrow minded people on here, matts style does not involve any spins or what ever and is a pure trials style e.g hoppy hoppy there for the echo would be much better suited,

jd where have i called them a big bmx? and where have i done any name calling...

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cheers cai thats exactly the point i was trying to say, too many narrow minded people on here, matts style does not involve any spins or what ever and is a pure trials style e.g hoppy hoppy there for the echo would be much better suited,

jd where have i called them a big bmx? and where have i done any name calling...

Did I mention you in my post? Did I quote you?

It's not all about you darling ;)

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where have i said any thing that street riding and all is "wrong" i got a mate who rides street and ride with him most days, i prefer comp riding but aint got any thing against street even if i do find it a bit boring yes that is my opinion which i am entitled to... and ali yes i know he did not make it, i did not say high bb was the best for everything i just said high bottom bracket is over all the best for competitions..

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...and we're saying that that's mainly because comps are designed to be ridden in a certain way.

Both 'sides' to this are stating facts, that's all there is to it. People just seem to get overly defensive when something touches a nerve.

Oh, for the record, if people want to throw labels around then this is BMX:


which is even further from the truth!

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who were you talking to then jd? get off your high horse your nothing special! LOL

Just like your post before said 'you lot' and was obviously to no-one in particular, so was mine.

I am indeed special, I'm the only one of me there is. My Mummy says I'm 'unique'.

*you're, cos I'm a cunt.

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Haha, i'm getting called a c unt on a forum. This is fun? We should dance? :badger:

When did I reply to you at any point? Plus, I called myself a cunt, no-one else...

EDIT: Aha, I see you did the same... Either way, my comment wasn't connected to yours.

Edited by JD™
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...and we're saying that that's mainly because comps are designed to be ridden in a certain way.

Both 'sides' to this are stating facts, that's all there is to it. People just seem to get overly defensive when something touches a nerve.

Oh, for the record, if people want to throw labels around then this is BMX:


which is even further from the truth!

is there not different types of bmx?




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In the same way that trials now has 20/24/26" street/natty/TGS, yeah.

BMX = Bicycle Moto-X, but obviously (much like trials) it's just evolved to become more accessible and let people put their own spin on things :)

Edit; JD. 3-1 :P

Edit2; JD. Snaked your snake realisation too. Assuming double points for that we're even. ;)

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is there not different types of bmx?




i think that's the point he was making i.e there is also different types of trials bikes, comp, natty, street, street trials (or more commonly known/mistaken on this forum as bmx)

edit, do i get anything for 4th place?

Edited by onzamartin
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I want to clear up any confusion on my views of comps and high bb bikes.

1) I rode comps for over 12 years, I think they are awesome.

2) I don't have any negative feelings about people who ride comps

3) high bb bikes are great for people who like them

4) I don't have any negative feelings towards people who ride high bb bikes

So yeah, before people start making assumptions about me, or take any comments I have made in the wrong way, those are my feelings about comps and stuff.

I personally don't like high bb bikes for the way they ride, I have always been more of an "old School" rider and I like to roll stuff and backhopping is always a last resort.

The comment someone made about people just backhopping through comps is a general steriotype of modern comps, no-one actually thinks that every section can be done with just backhops, though it has to be said most modern UCI comps are less about who has actual all round bike skills rather who can sidehop, gap, tap etc the furthest. High bb bikes are good for power moves like that. When it comes to natural (with bankings and streams, not just big rocks) then a high bb bike has less of an advantage. Personally I would like to see more natural and fewer artificial sections in international comps and then see who comes out top.

Maladie: You asked me to explain how a 24" bike for street riding isn't a big bmx? Well lets look at what makes it the same as a BMX for starters.......

1)they have seats


Cool, so yeah, I can think of ONE thing that makes them similar to a BMX. I guess the bikes people used to ride in the world championships with seats were big BMXs too?

I've seen people do flips and 360s on seatless bikes, does that make that bike a BMX?

Honestly, just think about what you are saying! The whole idea of a streetier bike is that it opens windows, you CAN do some BMX moves if you want, you CAN do trials if you want. Why ignore so much of what they are about just because you've seen riders so spins and stuff? A lot of the riders who ride these so called "big BMXs" are very good trials riders who could show a lot of TGS and comp riders a thing or two.

So yeah, before you type next, think about what I have said, I am not trying to bring any negativity here, I only respond to others negativity if I feel it was un-called for.

Edit: Someone also said that there was no negativity or arguments when BMX racing started spawning riders who just rode street or park or dirt jumps. Are you kidding me? The Racers HATED it! there were arguments ALL the time! Some people just don't like change.

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Why does it come to the same thing and the same people arguing on every thread :-S.

Opinions are like assholes and the internets full of them. For me iv'e always liked the really technical side to trials so to me watching stuff like Dave kerr do them skinny bollard gaps in his vid is a lot more impressive than danny mac spinning of a high set of stairs,I respect Danny for what he has achieved but don't like his style of riding. The people slanging on here all the time are the people ruining the sport putting down another persons style/what they enjoy doing. Just put a sock in it and get on with riding the way YOU want to.

Oh and get the echo matt :|.

Edited by i like cunning stunts
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