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Hmmm... Which To Choose

Matt Vandart

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Depends if you want your feet to clear the floor or not when you pedal I suppose.

Like I said, there's loads more to it than just being the wheelsize, but it's one of the factors thrown in there.

Other stuff comes hugely into play to ensure a person can fit relatively comfortably on there and that it performs as it's meant to, and given that most bikes have a relatively similar bar height they need a similar(ish) BB level etc in there to even things out a bit more so you're in the right body position etc.

I can't see how you can have 2 bikes 1 with +30 bb and the other with +80bb and have the same height bars?

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I can't see how you can have 2 bikes 1 with +30 bb and the other with +80bb and have the same height bars?

Because the rear wheel stuff that a +80bb bike will be better at out of those two, lower relative bars work best too. Whereas the +30bb bike will benefit more from higher bars (relative to the BB). That means that the actual bar height from the ground ends up working out about the same.

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Dave, I'm not going to bite to your constant shit, sorry.

Nearly all trials bikes have a bar height withing a range of a few inches (say, 38-41" or so)

If mods ran the same BB rises as stocks, this'd pretty much f**k everything in the face with regards to body position etc, unless you're some kind of out of proportion crazy ass human-giraffe hybrid or something.

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Dave, I'm not going to bite to your constant shit, sorry.

Nearly all trials bikes have a bar height withing a range of a few inches (say, 38-41" or so)

If mods ran the same BB rises as stocks, this'd pretty much f**k everything in the face with regards to body position etc, unless you're some kind of out of proportion crazy ass human-giraffe hybrid or something.

that post was so awesome...hehe

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Dave, I'm not going to bite to your constant shit, sorry.

Nearly all trials bikes have a bar height withing a range of a few inches (say, 38-41" or so)

If mods ran the same BB rises as stocks, this'd pretty much f**k everything in the face with regards to body position etc, unless you're some kind of out of proportion crazy ass human-giraffe hybrid or something.

3 inches is just over 76mm, so not really the same height !

This shows my point that feet to bars position is the most important thing here!

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It is also 76,000 micrometers but you don't hear me complaining...

Here we go again! Just trying to point out that all these different types of bikes have very similar measurements regarding this hand to feet

People get to into wheel base height and bb height as if it's life and death!

What the point in comment like that just becaus you can't comprehend it.

It's 76200 microns by the way, maybe you should have payed more attention in maths.

You even managed to point out your own mistake with the cms lol

I'd love to go for a ride with you guys one day you talk about trials line your the world champ or summit but in the real world you probly struggle with a curb, maybe less arguing and more practice

...7.62 cm is nothing really

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It is also 76,000 micrometers but you don't hear me complaining...

Here we go again! Just trying to point out that all these different types of bikes have very similar measurements regarding this hand to feet

People get to into wheel base height and bb height as if it's life and death!

What the point in comment like that just becaus you can't comprehend it.

It's 76200 microns by the way, maybe you should have payed more attention in maths.

You even managed to point out your own mistake with the cms lol

I did, and it is micrometre not microns (linky linky). Maybe you should pay more attention, unless you were in school in 1966. Micro is the prefix, metre is the base unit. Therefore you get micrometres.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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I did, and it is micrometre not microns (linky linky). Maybe you should pay more attention, unless you were in school in 1966. Micro is the prefix, metre is the base unit. Therefore you get micrometres.

Really and you know this because your an engineer or you know how to use a search engine?

I think your getting your si units and prefix's mixed up

Either way your stil 200mu out

Here we are just a quick search and I found:

In some texts, the symbol µ is an abbreviation of micrometer(s) or micron(s). These two terms both refer to a unit of displacement equal to 0.000001 meter or 0.001 millimeter.

Edited by dave33
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Really and you know this because your an engineer or you know how to use a search engine?

I think your getting your si units and prefix's mixed up

Either way your stil 200 out

I'm training to become an engineer. Although you should learn this stuff during Standard Grades/GCSE.

SI Prefixes SI Base Units (Note there is no sign of the elusive 'micron')

Either way you were still 0.2 millimeters out, unless you want to start mucking about with significant figures.

Anyway, we are getting wildly off the point so to reiterate my first comment on this thread:

Aren't these pretty different, the geometries are completely different...

If street is King in your eyes, better to go for the Skye?

Although if you do a bit of both the Echo might be a better option?

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I'm training to become an engineer. Although you should learn this stuff during Standard Grades/GCSE.

SI Prefixes SI Base Units (Note there is no sign of the elusive 'micron')

Either way you were still 0.2 millimeters out, unless you want to start mucking about with significant figures.

Ok take this as a lesson to you and it will help you with your training depending on what type of engineering your going into

1 inch is 25.4mm x3= 76.2mm

0.2mm is 200mu/microns

0.1 is 100mu/microns

And when you work to 0.00025 mu you notice these things

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because i dont follow the crowd. its stupid, opinions and facts are not allowed on this forum if not already passed by the trials forum police.

I think that part of the issue is that a few competition style riders have such a distaste for street riders whereas pretty much all street riders don't really give a shit, as long as you are having fun on a bike, whatever wheel size or geometry it may be, it doesn't matter.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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I think that the issue is that a few competition style riders have such a distaste for street riders whereas pretty much all street riders don't really give a shit, as long as you are having fun on a bike it doesn't matter.

Don't forget that most of the current street riders have evolved from being competition style riders. A lot still do both.

There was also a plan for a few of us to take part in an entire season of comps this year, but it looks like the EBTC might be dying. That would have shown some people what having 'fun' on a bike is all about.

Anyway, over this topic now. I wish I didn't have such an overwhelming dislike for people spouting shit, otherwise I just wouldn't look again.

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opinions i have stated in this topic have not been distasteful towards street at all. as said i ride with some one who rides a very streety style. show us how to have fun? lol! think if you actually knew me then you would find that i am all about fun, and im pretty sure that any one that has met me decentley will vouch for that, get your head out of your arse.

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opinions i have stated in this topic have not been distasteful towards street at all. as said i ride with some one who rides a very streety style. show us how to have fun? lol! think if you actually knew me then you would find that i am all about fun, and im pretty sure that any one that has met me decentley will vouch for that, get your head out of your arse.

Me with my head up my arse? You're the one constantly thinking every comment is about you. Again, I'm not quoting you. Stop thinking the world revolves around you, your ridiculous arguments and shit insults. Honestly, it doesn't.

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Locations of major wars:

Somme- France/Belgium border (WW1)

Battle of Britain - English Channel (WW2)

TGS vs Street - Ross Clayton's Zhi 26" vid (WW3)

Street vs Comp & Natty - Hmmm... Which to choose (WW4)

Now please we all ride trials, if peace in Europe was possible peace on one forum with people who all have the mutual interest of having fun on bikes should be.

If we can all agree that we do this for fun and not to argue with one another surely we can have a forum where we discuss bikes and our enjoyment of them; not politics. And we can generally read threads that are free of abuse and judgements.

Now to conclude the response to this thread in a peaceful mannor these bikes are very different and the choise of which is most appropriate for your riding can only be made by YOU and trials or fun is what YOU, personally as a rider make it.

Now I pray that everyone can leave this as a fair and balenced conclusion that is appropriate to the initial question and protrays no bias. This way hopefully this inocently started thread will not have to be closed by the administration as the one before it was.

Many thanks


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