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Hmmm... Which To Choose

Matt Vandart

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I would personally choose the Echo.

I think it will be alot nicer to ride as the frame is way lower and all the parts are going to be lighter than the ones that come with the inspired.

To me, the inspired bike range are all just big bmx's

Edited by Horndean Trials
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To me, the inspired bike range are all just big bmx's

big bmx's that i personaly find easier to do 'trials' moves on.... ;)

aside from that...i couldnt rate the skye highly enough, if you enjoy moves on the front wheel, bunnyhops or anything spinny its a big win

'trials' moves i found alot easier than with a fourplay (if youve ridden one to compare)

Edited by chris4stars
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as said, they couldn't be much more different!

If you like to ride a big bmx as some narrow minded people might call it then get the inspired and have more fun than you could imagine.

If you want to do bigger sidehops and maybe enter comps then the Echo makes quite a good seatless trials bike, I've ridden Duncan's and it's pretty nice.

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I'm gonna go with the fact it's not even a serious choice for a purchase, and Matt just wants to start a 'nice healthy debate' for some reason.

I'm gonna go right ahead and introduce Godwins law and just say that if Hitler were alive, he'd choose the Echo.

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as said, they couldn't be much more different!

If you like to ride a big bmx as some narrow minded people might call it then get the inspired and have more fun than you could imagine.

If you want to do bigger sidehops and maybe enter comps then the Echo makes quite a good seatless trials bike, I've ridden Duncan's and it's pretty nice.

Thanks babe :wub:

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At least it's a different Inspired model. Generally speaking it's "Should I get the Element or the Echo?", so this was a refreshing change :P

I want both, and now we've got the Echos back in stock I'm sort of tempted, although from how little I rode my Sky before I sold it I'm not sure there's much point.

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I'm gonna go with the fact it's not even a serious choice for a purchase, and Matt just wants to start a 'nice healthy debate' for some reason.

I'm gonna go right ahead and introduce Godwins law and just say that if Hitler were alive, he'd choose the Echo.


At least it's a different Inspired model. Generally speaking it's "Should I get the Element or the Echo?", so this was a refreshing change :P

I want both, and now we've got the Echos back in stock I'm sort of tempted, although from how little I rode my Sky before I sold it I'm not sure there's much point.

Indeed that is sorta the angle I am coming from.

My current ride is a planet x with 24 wheels short stem, blah blah blah, so I could get the echo for being a spandex faggot pants on and just keep the planet x, but strangely I find it really good on natty so that maybe negates the point of bothering.

However I had a go on one the other day and it felt perfect for TGS street nonsense and I could probs get another inch outa my side hops on it, I imagine it would be good for natty also.

If I hadn't have done that I would be just looking at the Skye.

I have been looking at the skye for a while mostly because it looks f**king awesome, has brought out the consumer in me and I could easily swap my shit out from my Zebdi.

seeing as the geo is not a million miles away from my Zebdi I assume it would probably suffice for natty days but not be so good maybe.

@ the dude that says its just a 'I have a grand thread bollox' basically yeas I have a grand and due to circumstances involving alot of death in one week I thought I might mend my soul with some consumer therapy.

Can someone please suggest a word I can use instead of 'alot' also.

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Indeed but

is it really trials, I mean really?


Also if you think about it the geo of these frames (inspireds) are going back in time when dudes were capable of busting out the big shit.

The geo's were good then and are good now.

I mean what advantage does a massively high bb really give you?

I'm not sure the weird feeling of being perched atop a 4 bar gate stretched out taking a shit is negated by a few inches more sidehop and maybe easier hooks.

A lot?

oh yeah...... >_<

Edited by Matt Vandart
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as has already been said they are 2 completely different bike's, so depends what kind of riding your going to do, if i was literally made of money, i would have both (Y)

if you want something that is capable of nearly every single aspect of riding, then go for the skye, its almost made entirely from win! also it looks like it's been built strong enough to withstand the next few ice ages, infact its so strong my mate dangerous dave (this is absolutely true) he said that he saw danny mac testing this frame and he done a static drop to flat from an aeroplane that was up at 18,000ft, he landed it, the bike was fine so he pulled over and said what were you worried about!

or alternativley, buy the echo and restrict yourself to tgs only! look's like such an awesome bike to ride though, looks really flicky and light, but really fragile! i really want one of these, purely to see how high i can hop it and how quickly i can snap it clean in half :lol:

but for me (in my own opinion) big bmx's for the win everytime.

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@ the dude that says its just a 'I have a grand thread bollox' basically yeas I have a grand and due to circumstances involving alot of death in one week I thought I might mend my soul with some consumer therapy.

Can someone please suggest a word I can use instead of 'alot' also.

I feel bad now...it was just in response to the massive troll head, if you were wanting a serious reply read my first comment

Can I suggest 'a great deal'

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echo every time, you got your planet x for streety shit, your style does not involved spins, bunny hops etc.. so why buy a bike which would make it harder for the moves you already do compared to the echo where it would be easier?

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I mean what advantage does a massively high bb really give you?

I can't find one! Every high bottom bracket frame I've ridden makes me feel uncomfortable on 2 wheels (unless it has a massive stem fitted, which surely negates the point of having a high bottom bracket?) a high BB also makes tapping so much more difficult for me. I think anything between 0 and +30 is a nice bottom bracket height, in my opinion anything higher takes the fun out of trials..

Hope you make the right choice Matt ;)

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I mean what advantage does a massively high bb really give you?

Higher BBs just make the bike completely rear wheel biased, that's pretty much the extent of it. They'll sit up and beg like a good little dog, but trying to roll about and actually ride them as a bike they're pretty gash. If all you ever want to do is TGS then that might be fine, but if you're a rider who actually realises there's a little more out there than backhops up and down stuff then being able to roll is a pretty sweet bonus!

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