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Does Anyone Else Get Pulled By Police?


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Hi i know this isnt trials related but where i ride in peterborough were always getting stopped by the police and moved on and now they want to start fining us £50 every time :angry:

its really starting to get a pain in the ass like rubber is gonna damage things lol

does anyone else have this priblem where they ride?

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Leeds is pretty good for Police really, like today on the main road 3 police cars/vans just drove by without a single word being said. Obvs they looked at us as they were wondering what we were doing. It's more so a problem with Security guards though, they don't like us.

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Rubber doesn't but bash rings do! Never had trouble with Police in ten years of riding. Only time I have ever come close is when people I have ridden with get mouthy to them rather than be co-operative, at the end of the day they are just doing there job and as long as you polite and have a bit of courtesy I think most people can avoid trouble.

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Even riding the busy Reading town center police are always sound, they'll normally have a chat and sorta slip in on the sly that they don't like us riding there when it's busy.

I've even had the same officers approach me weeks later to watch and have a talk, kinda good having them on my side.

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It's best just to be polite and they soon get it that your not out to cause trouble, but if it's a big place then takes longer for the word to get round, at the end of the day if you do t have a light and ur riding at night you are putting yourself in danger.

Also try and explain what trials is and where there is or isn't to ride so they can get the idea.

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My mate used to have this problem all the time, They said if they caught them again on a seafront wall there bikes would be taken (N)

Never had a problem my self, As the police are awesome around this area - used to ride the walls outside the police station and damage was left accidently, But they would always come over and talk tricks etc, which was nice :)! they sort of encouraged it.

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  On 1/8/2012 at 8:56 PM, onlythebrave1981 said:

like rubber is gonna damage things lol

You sound like a very smooth balanced rider.. Even though rubber can mark/smear on some walls depending on material..

Plus you cant forget other parts of your bike which can damage stuff.. i.e frame, bash ring, bash guard, pedals etc..

Edit: if the 5-0 can read this got two words to say.... " F**k yourselves"


Edited by Andeee
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Bottom line is as trials riders the vast majority of the things we ride on don't belong to us. So you're off to a poor start when it comes to dealing with the police.

Don't always assume the police are out to be assholes, it's their job to enforce this. Granted some of them do go out of their way to be dicks, but that's the same with every type of job. Also remember that if a member of public has made a complaint they are duty bound to remove you, they can't turn a blind eye.

Best thing to do is apologise, explain that what you're doing is a sport, tell them you aren't loitering or attempting to cause criminal damage but instead you are training your skills, improving your fitness and trying to further your trials skills.

They will probably still have to make you leave but you'll probably find that in time they might just leave you alone at certain riding spots or not turn up straight away to kick you off.

I've had police here in Norwich kick me off an area a couple times, the last time they kicked me off though they told me they decided to watch me on CCTV for a bit first and were very impressed (which is probably a lie, but it makes you more compliant!).

It's all good in the hood :)

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We used to when we were younger as you tend to see things a little one sided. Nowadays i try stay away from crowded/open areas like the town centre, just to try and make it easier for myself. If occasionally they do turn up i talk to them like a normal person and that usually defuses 'em! I've got to know a few plods so there usually fairly cool about it.

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