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Mbuk Back Issues


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Hi Guys

Was wondering if anyone has a pile of issues with the first hop idol series in? I was in the round at ramsgate with tom newbold, dan peppin and stefan marshall with barry deeks. Was telling my daughter about it the other day then realised I have no idea where the copy I kept is :angry::unsure:

The year was either 2000 or 2001. Be grateful if anyone can help, lost another dj magazine I was printed in as well......very cross....



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Hi Guys

Was wondering if anyone has a pile of issues with the first hop idol series in? I was in the round at ramsgate with tom newbold, dan peppin and stefan marshall with barry deeks. Was telling my daughter about it the other day then realised I have no idea where the copy I kept is :angry::unsure:

The year was either 2000 or 2001. Be grateful if anyone can help, lost another dj magazine I was printed in as well......very cross....



I may have it back in Scotland but have no way of getting to them. May be worth sending Matt Barlow a PM as I seem to recall him having a stash...

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I recently got given a pile of 2001-2002 MBUK's, any idea to what's on the cover? Or anything that will help me find it?

Thanks monkey.

I dont know right now, tom is looking later for me. In the mean time I've a feeling that ashton was on the front, though that was pretty standard back then! there were only 6 rounds of hop idol plus the final, sure something will be on the front if you wouldn't mind nosing over them. We were in ramsgate, barry deeks was on some proto raw killerv looking ish type frame. That issue and the final would be much appreciated! It was the very first year they did it, might have even been 1999???? anyone remember?


Edited by murph82
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i may have those issues! (98-01) was definately around the time i got alot of MBUK's and the year of my first bike

will have a look next time im home, i remember a how-to issue about pedal hops (demonstrated across a zebra crossing i seem to recall) and seeing one of them ride along the edge of a bridge

will let you know if they come up :)

Edited by chris4stars
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