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Echo Tr Lever


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Hey, just wondering, has anyone else had any problems with their echo TR levers? for a few months now most the fluid i put in seems to leak out at the lever, but just a bit a day until eventually the brake doesn't work anymore.

Ive checked the seals and they seem fine, i use water and a bit of vodka to bleed the brake, all the bolts seem tight enough to not let any fluid through.

Any ideas on how i can fix this, or is it just the lever? ive heard this has happened to people before with this lever.

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apparently echo levers don't hold a water bleed very well, although i've never tried it myself.

i use monty oil which is thinner than standard maggie oil, but thicker than water and it's not leaked yet, fingers crossed!

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mine is also playing up but its not leeking, just wondering if anyone knows why mine wont set up properly :/

If your on about problems with the setup of the cylinders, its maybe because of the rim your using. I think they are designed for wide trials rims something like 42mm wide and over if you have 100mm space between the 4-bolt mount on your frame. Thats why some people buy echo levers and use magura hs33 cyclinders

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