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Paypal Being Retarded?

totally steaming!!

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I just went to make a paypal account, and just after entering my address and name details this message came up

"We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages.

Protecting the security of your PayPal account is our primary concern, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Credit Card Information"

then it asks for card information to verify that i am infact me.

how on earth can i verify my card details if they dont even know them yet?

Possibly the dumbest cock up of a website ive seen, and im supposed to trust them with my money?

im lost, some please find


Edited by totally steaming!!
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did you go onto www.paypal.co.uk, or did you click a link. With any banking you should always enter the address manually and double check it's correct. A big scam is to set up an almost identical website with a typo in the domain name, and then use a method like the one above, to try and get you to hand over your details.

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nope, nobody else uses this comp, when i put my email and password in that screen comes up.... anything i click on just takes me to that screen too.

i dont have a car with any of those numbers, i also havnt entered any card details into this site yet so they cant possible know what my details are.

what a cock up.

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nope, nobody else uses this comp, when i put my email and password in that screen comes up.... anything i click on just takes me to that screen too.

i dont have a car with any of those numbers, i also havnt entered any card details into this site yet so they cant possible know what my details are.

what a cock up.

Humm, that's very strange. Fire them an email.

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Try a different browser, or better - a different computer. There's lots of nasty malware out there which could even redirect you onto a dodgy PayPal website copy without you knowing it.

edit: also, have you tried entering a credit card number? Just write any number in and make sure it ends with the 2 digits they need. If it goes through, it's dodgy.

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Would a dodgy site still have the right URL though?

Nope, but I recently had some sort of crap on my PC (which ended up with a format because I couldn't get rid of it) which redirected me to all sorts of sites without the address bar changning. So for instance, I could have TF in the address bar and be on some website full of ads. It was the same story with searching in Google, would click on a result and be redirected somewhere else.

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That's weird! It's got the "s" beside the "http" which stands for secure, and it looks like the real deal....

You're almost right, it stands for another acronym: SSL. Basically means secure, but in a more longwinded way :)

As Inur said, you can get malware which will change the address bar to whatever it wants - always be wary of stuff like this if you've got an issue like the OP did.

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