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How To Build A Wheel Without Having An Egg In It?

Julius Czar

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Probably not the way others would do it, but here's how I do.

Once Ive laced the wheel, I turn all the spoke nipples so they have the same amount of thread showing on the spoke beneath the nipple on both sides.

Then (I dont have a truing stand) I sit the wheel in a frame, with a set of magura cylinders and pads in. I set these up so the clamps hold the cylinders in the same place, centralizing the rim in the frame in the process.

All I do then is go around the wheel, and tighten each spoke half a turn at a time until the wheel is partly tensioned, and then true it's side to side movement so the rim clears the brake pads. Once the rims true, I check it to see how "egged" the rim is. This can again be done using the brake pads as a reference, tightening/ loosening spokes where needed to bring the rim in line with the pads all the way round.

If you turn each spoke evenly throughout the whole build, I'e with every spoke nipple in the same place and giving every spoke a half turn each all the way round, you should find you have built a egg free wheel.

Ive used this method for a number of wheels now and they've all turned out perfect :)

Sorry for the essay laugh.gif Hope it helps.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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I am currently building between 8-12 wheels a day and that's pretty much how I do them.

I am going to re-cap anyway.

*turn all the nipples so there is no thread showing (this means all the nipples have exactly the same turns and you can count how many turns you do on each spoke.

*get wheel true

*get up and down motion true

*get wheel true again

*get dish central

*tighten spokes if needed

*true again

*stress spokes

*tighten spokes

*true wheel

*true up and down motion

*check dish

*stress spokes

*true wheel


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