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Kim Jong Il Dead


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South Korea already preparing troops for the worse. Wonder how much of a nutcase his son is?

He was educated in Europe so maybe it's a good sign?

Wait, how old would that guy be now? Because I think someone of them was educatet at a pretty bad & sh!t school near where I live :lol:

btw, it would be a bad sign.


Just googled. It's him. He used to go to school 1km away from where I live. Funnily enough the school isn't even a private school..

at anyrate, his class mates don't seem to have the best memories of him...

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The guy was a legend, have you seen the kind of facts about him his government published?? Not only could he walk at 2 months and talk at 3 months but he wrote his very first government manifesto at age 2 followed shortly by a string of operas which were all reportedly better than any in the history of music. He also allegedly invented the microwave, what a f*****g nutjob genius!

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So was Hitler

I could have sworn bin laden or hussein or someone went to oxford?

Pretty sure Bin laden went to Millfield School in Street, not sure about uni though, we just use the fact to rip it out of a friend who also went to Millfield tongue.gif

No idea what'll happen with Korea, but at the end of the day it's still a dictatorship feeding a load of utter crap to it's citizens, so it's not really much of a change.

I'll happily take that back if the new chap starts his first address with: "Alright, sorry about my nut job dad, anyone want a democracy? Oh, and can I borrow someones old campervan? I've got some trees to hug on the way to apologise to South Korea."

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Yeah Bin Laden studied English and apparently his life ambition was to become a poet!

Strange how people don't state their life ambitions as 'lead a reign on terror on the entire planet' isn't it? It's as if it would cause some sort of suspicion...

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