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Nirvana For Christmas No.1


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We all know what happened with RATM the other year, with RATM being my favourite band, i was pretty happy to be hearing them on Christmas Radio despite Killing In The Name being their worst song...

Anyway, another group of teenagers appear to have created a Facebook Page suggesting to buy Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana (they always have to pick the most over played ones don't they?) and with me being a huge fan of Dave Grohl and Nirvana, i'm right behind this. Seeing as its only 59p off Itunes its worth it. It's number 71 at the minute, can we get it in the top 10 with a week to go?

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Nirvana were shit then and they're shit now, f**k Nirvana for Christmas number one I'd rather listen to Olly Murrs.

The whole point of RATM being number one was the message, f**k you I won't do what you tell. Well f**k you I won't put another penny in Dave Grohls never ending deep pocket, if it wasn't for QOTSA that hapless goon would be as bad as Tony Hawk IMO. A softcore, has-been drip of a middle age mans gimp sellout idol.

THIS is why RATM deserved to be #1 (skip to 8:35 for the fun)-

Dave Grohl, probably wouldn't get out of bed for less than a mill. RATM WANTED to spread the message, and were happy to shoot themselves in the foot to stand up for what they wanted.

Edited by Pashley26
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Dave Grohl, probably wouldn't get out of bed for less than a mill. RATM WANTED to spread the message, and were happy to shoot themselves in the foot to stand up for what they wanted.

he done a tour in folk's garages, for free! and to like 50 people tops! highly doubt they'd have a mill spare!!

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In which case surely he's doing it right? Earn an absolute shitload, live how you want, do what you want when and where you want to. Sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me...

Yeah, sounds super sweet. Make a shit load of money out of being a publicity loving, fanboy sellout. Don't get me wrong, I'm green with envy and if I was in his position I'd be loving it. I just hate the way the guy has done it all, he has absolutely 0 integrity. Which if you are going to be in bands like Nirvana, QOTSA, Foo Fighters and all the other 30 odd bands he's played in which are trying to sell a message it'd be nice if your message didn't change every week. One week it's save the Africans and drive a Toyota Prius, the next week it's kill em all in a QOTSA tour, then the next week go back to your Prius to try and keep a good image. RATM, they didn't give a f**k, and stood true from the start to finish on their career and that's what they based it on.

Meh', I'm drunk. Night Rbizzle. x

Edited by Pashley26
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I thought the whole point of Rage was that they did give a fuck?

Shhh, don't tell him. He's making up what he's saying as he goes along. I don't think he has realised that Grohl playing in QOTSA did a lot more for QOTSA than it did for Grohl. It's not like the dude does stuff for free to help out new bands. "Hey you guys need a drummer? I've got my own band, but yeah sure I'll not only drum for you, I'll put my well known name and face to your band as well giving you instant credibility and popularity." Tenacious D. Eagles of Death Metal. Need I go on?

Basically, your chatting shit, right now you need a bib or your going to ruin your clothes. Nirvana changed music whether you like them or not, you don't have a clue what Rage stood for, and Grohl recently released an album that was done completely on analogue with no editing, plus the garage tour.

Ps. This is off my phone, so its not as in depth as I'd like.

Pps. I don't want Nirvana to be Christmas number one. I've had enough of all these fad faggots listening to my music. I hate all the people who claim to like Rage yet called me a goth for listening to them. f**k off and stop ruining my music.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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Yeah, sounds super sweet. Make a shit load of money out of being a publicity loving, fanboy sellout. Don't get me wrong, I'm green with envy and if I was in his position I'd be loving it. I just hate the way the guy has done it all, he has absolutely 0 integrity. Which if you are going to be in bands like Nirvana, QOTSA, Foo Fighters and all the other 30 odd bands he's played in which are trying to sell a message it'd be nice if your message didn't change every week. One week it's save the Africans and drive a Toyota Prius, the next week it's kill em all in a QOTSA tour, then the next week go back to your Prius to try and keep a good image. RATM, they didn't give a f**k, and stood true from the start to finish on their career and that's what they based it on.

Meh', I'm drunk. Night Rbizzle. x

Jesus you talk some shit don't you.

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Slowly Jardo is allowing himself to be more like himself here again... Personally I'm gonna embrace all the complete bullshit, it's fun.

f**k Nirvana for Christmas number 1, mainly because it won't work. If I could choose one song to get there it's be 'Christmas is Awesome' by Reuben.

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Forums are exactly that, a forum. So as long as I stick within the rules I can say what I want, I am not aiming anything I say at any single user on this forum. But some how you guys can turn it round and make it personal, I don't care because you are just names on a screen to me now. But have a think about the way you say things and wether your arguments are with me personally or my opinions on a third party. As with every person on this forum who has met me we are good friends, it's only the keyboard warriors and the same faces who have slated me for years.

I don't like Dave Grohl I haven't liked any of the bands he has been in apart from QOTSA and have always found him a bit wet. That is my opinion, if you don't like it then challenge my opinion. Don't go giving me shit about who you think I am.

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Dunno if anyone's read this before, but ill post it just to prove this drunken crazy guy wrong.


Pretty impressive for someone who wont get out of bed for 1 mill if you ask me.

I'd like to add, RATM and Foo's are my two favourite bands :P

Edited by monty-james
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Dunno if anyone's read this before, but ill post it just to prove this drunken crazy guy wrong.


Pretty impressive for someone who wont get out of bed for 1 mill if you ask me.

I'd like to add, RATM and Foo's are my two favourite bands :P

The argument died hours ago, nobody cares. The door is that way >

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