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Rate Your Year!


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I remember that rate your life thread so thought I'd do one for the year 2011.

What's been your ups and downs of the year?

I'll start, around 8/10 -

• Loving my new Uni course at Huddersfield, fits me perfectly and within it i've made some awesome mates so far.

• Been riding alot more towards the end of the year with good people and feel like im improving a bit. Along with having proper good fun.

• Loved tarty days, that has to be one of my fav weekends ever.

• I haven't been ill at all in the year which is good


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All things considered, I have to give it a 6/10.

Bad parts:

I spent most of January ill, at points feeling so bad I didn't know where I was, who I was and if I was going to survive. I spent £60+ on prescriptions and almost 2 months of going to the doctors. Then early February my grandfather passed away, which speaks for itself really.

Good parts:

Got promoted at work.

Now have a great girlfriend.

Got a new camera and some DJ gear.

Almost passed my driving test and now have a car, ready to go.

Went on two awesome holidays.

Just done so much in general this year, feel like I've achieved things. I've also changed as a person and I feel I've improved myself big time.

Roll on 2012! :D

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7/10. Good points: got accepted into the nuclear police and spending lots of time at home with my daughter while I'm waiting to start. Moved house, slightly better of financially and got out for a few decent rides, went skateboarding during the day when in theory I should have been at work!

Bad points: pinned elbow meant limited riding and lots of time at Hospital. Also put a tiny bit of weight on.

I know 2012 is going to be a tough year, 4 months away from home training for the police down south is a certainty meaning lots of travelling and time away from my wife and child...and my bike

Edited by kaybs41282
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5/10 neither perfect, nor slit your wrists bad.

Good Points - I'm not dead, my cars have been largely fault free this year, wife is not dead :P

Bad Points - A couple of fallings out with the wife, closed my business because it failed, been otherwise unemployed for most of it, nobody wants to employ me (can't blame them tbf :P ), scrapped the love of my life (the twin engine Golf) because I would've had nowhere to keep it, I've gained about a stone, did very little during summer, I'm generally worse off now than when I started the year. (N)

Ah well, 2012 will be better :)

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Im not too sure, parts of me want to give it a 9, cos the awesome bits were awesome.

but then the rest of the time has been a little bit boring.

good points :

making good money at work


split up with the missus


im largely in a financially good place

I dropped 2 stone for summer

bad points

Im now single, and 2 stone heavier than i was when i still had a GF.

really feel like this has been my last party year, what with getting a house soon, and I just feel like given more solvent friends, It could of been way better.

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years been good, i'd given up on uni at the end of first year but i decided to keep trying and i've got my head around it all alot better, i've got a job i enjoy, i'm the fittest i've ever been in my life, i'm happy with my current trials build, which is a new phenominon, and i'm taking up DHing and shefield is getting a park, so my new hobby is well justified :) oh and i've kept a woman for over a year, and it's not so bad 8/10

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In 2011 I got together with one lass, binned her, got together with another one which is ticking along nicely, started climbing again which is amazing, started weigh training again which is slowly improving, cut down massively on my drinking, stopped smoking (then started again, then stopped again, then started again, but stopped properly about 6 weeks ago and seem to have stopped for good this time), moved from little student halls into proper grown up flat.

Oh, got a job, which is going fairly nicely.

Rating, I dunno, 8-9/10.

Edited by Muel
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bit of a crappy year! but some good bits too!

Good bits:

Granada got the all clear from throat cancer. :)

I'm going to be an uncle! :)

Got a decent car

Got a job.

Quit halfords

Started back rugby

Got a good set of mates that have kept me going!

Bad bits:

My family is still f**ked up!

I have a decent car!

Been in my over draft for 95% of the year.

roll on 2012! I wont be going out as much, I WILL be out of my over draft I WILL have paid my dad back!! (he paid my car insurance off kinda owe him £900)

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Good and bad. 7/10 probably.

+ sort of finished uni

+ business going incredibly well

+ sorted out all financial difficulties

+ did a lot of riding and took it seriously

+ got really fit

+ traveled a lot

+ got back into motorsport

+ winter isn't that bad

- mono infection which has pretty much f**ked everything from the middle of september up till now, not fit anymore, can't really ride, can't attend ma etc.

- car took ages to complete and it's giving a lot of trouble

- still no gf

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Been pretty boring, waiting to get my immigration crap sorted. Should have all been done with in 2009, but only just got it done with 4 months ago. Did get to get back home for 3 weeks so the wife could meet all my family and friends, definitively the best part. Don't think I'm going to find a job this year but hopefully very early on next year.

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10 again...

House is going well, living room will be finished by chrimbo with new wooden floor/new sofa/new tv/reindeer rug/tables etc etc.

Still have a job

Had an amazing holiday

Some good festivals / parties

Able to give some money to charity this year

Would be an 11 if I had a missus.

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pretty good year, would say 8/10


- about a month off now being fully qualified at work

- fitness is better than ever

- video out and new bike!

- social life has been as good as i can wish for

- feeling much more settled with myself

- january's gf is still going strong


- januarys gf! took alot of effort and not great times to get to this comfortable stage

- mum still suffering, but thats due to be fixed early '12 :)

- flat situation has got very uncomfortable, beyond fixing and will no doubt require a move (could be a good thing)

- ankle is playing up a little and im starting to feel old (27 in feb!)

all in all i cant complain at all, very lucky to be in this situation and ive no intention on taking that for granted...expecting an amazing 2012, everything is due to come together then!

Edited by chris4stars
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Worst year for a long time for me.

Good points:

Riding developed towards something I was happy with

Was part of the 2011 roadtrip

still have good friends

Bad points:

My pet cat and best friend for the past 22 years passing away

Breaking my foot and not riding or earning money all summer

Riding not being as good as it was last winter because of my foot

Parents putting my family home on the market (I was born in that house and I'll be sad to see it go)

I am not one to let it keep me down though, next year will be good for sure.

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overall 6/10

good points

got a proper trials bike that i like for the first time in my life at 30 years old

dumped the cheating ex wife and launched her out on the street

developed a new product at work which is gonna be a massive seller, and got it right near enough first time

entered and completed 2 tyketrials rounds, didn`t come last YES!!!

met a wonderful new g/f, and she has just moved in with me

bad points

found out the ex wife was cheating on me

losing my son to said ex wife cos my work hours stop him living with me

got a final written warning from work that lasts for 12 months

have a knee injury which requires surgery

put a bit of weight on, cos of bad knee and drinking too much beer

still not learned how to pedalhop!!!!!!!!

on the whole, i still have a good life, still have my lovely son and g/f, and going on a health kick in the new year, so its all good. gotta cut out the beer and pies lol

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I was thinking about this the other day and 2011's been a bit of an annus horribilis for me; I'd probably give it 4/10. In summary:

Riding-wise, it started of well, got a new bike that I really like, my level of riding was getting steadily higher and I was having a lot of fun. But then the rest of the year was plagued by injury; I broke a rib at Lee Quarry (doing a silly but innovuous non-move) which meant that I missed around three competitions in a row, including one of the Fort William rounds, I knocked myself out at RadFest which meant I couldn't finish the competition, and then I badly broke my ankle at the Bracken national in September which has meant that I've been in hospital, on mental painkillers, in plaster, on crutches and off the bike ever since and probably won't be riding again until well into the New Year.

Work-wise things have been pretty dire as well. Our company has expanded, or what my semi-competent boss thinks is expanding - taking on a new office, more IT equipment that we don't need, but no extra staff or work, and, it turns out, all based on an accounting error to the tune of 20,000 pounds, meaning that financially the company is pretty much up the creek. He also has no clue how to manage a company or interact with people, which means that everything is either confusing, unproductive, unpleasant or frustrating. When we had a company meeting and made some suggestions for how to take the company forward he took it as a personal attack and is now trying to make the HR rep, who took the points to him, redundant in the most horrible way (could amount to unfair/constructive dismissal) which is making the atmosphere pretty poisonous in the office. I've been nominated as her colleague representative, which means I have to be in all of the meetings and read all of the correspondence, etc.; no fun at all. I've been looking and applying for jobs for a long while now, got down to the last two for what would have been the perfect role for me and didn't get interviews for the rest, so I'm stuck in a job that I hate, which is spilling over into the rest of my life and making me quite miserable.

In March, my girlfriend, who I was about to move to a different city to move in with, chucked me for no real reason. Since then I've started seeing someone else and my ex has started texting me saying she made a mistake, really misses me and wants to see me.

On the plus side however, I've still got a job and am fincancilly pretty stable/secure, I've started seeing someone new, which seems to be going well (plus she lives next right door, which is convenient as I'm still on crutches), my ankle's on the mend, and despite all of the above, I've still had plenty of good times and managed to enjoy myself. Hopefully 2012 will be an improvement (although I always think it's quite odd to compartmentalise one's problems in such a way, especially as most of them will continue, despite the fact that 2011 has ended)!

Edited by Ben Swales
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