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Jeremy Compton - Steeze Promo

Joe O'Connor

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Hey people, I studied Film and Television this year and I now have a diploma in Camera, Lighting and Audio. I've set about making a production company called Solid Productions.

The first video we made was for my mate to enter into a competition that ABD bikes was holding to get sponsorships. Thought that because its bike related that I'd post it here. Tell me what you think...

He got the sponsorship for this and gets a free bike and helmet and gear. Lucky bugger.

Feel free to ask questions too

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Not like that it's not :P

I know generally it's a totally different type of jump to retain speed, but I assume he was trying to style it up a bit for the vid (hence the nose manual, unless you're going to tell me that's quicker too?) but it just looks god awful haha.

Also thought that. Rather than low and fast he's trying to kick it out. Looks stiff.

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