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Do You Have Anything A Specific Way?


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I aspire to be as specific as you in life :P

Alrightttt calm down. It's not that I dont have things I like doing well or specifically, I just think having to touch the door handles 47 times with each hand, alternatively and things like that arent a problem or a necessity they are things you make up in your head. Sure people dont like odd volume numbers or odd socks but it wont hurt you I just think its odd.

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Only when it comes to food. Anything other than marmite must be evenly spread on bread - I'm properly anal about the surface being perfectly smooth right up to the edges and will refuse to spread anything that won't grant a perfect result. Something that's an absolute no-go would be jam with pieces of fruit. These pieces of fruit make the surface all bumpy and as a result renders the toast inedible.

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I've developed this weird habit of only talking to my dog in a south african accent.

f**k me that's weird, I had a Dog that died not long ago that I used to do that too.

After watching blood diamond, just did it for a laugh cos her name was pig so it was funny.

Strange thing is she listened better and after a while wouldn't do stuff unless I did it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

f**k me that's weird, I had a Dog that died not long ago that I used to do that too.

After watching blood diamond, just did it for a laugh cos her name was pig so it was funny.

Strange thing is she listened better and after a while wouldn't do stuff unless I did it.

I started doing it after watching District 9 just can't stop doing it, Zak does listen more when I speak to him in that accent aswell like when I say, "Zik wanna go fora walk ma freend" he gets up quicker.

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Everything has to be symmetrical/neat, it really annoys me when something isn't,for instance if I'm queueing to buy something at a shop and there's some leaflets, and they're not all perfectly straight behind each other, so you can see the corner of one behind or something like I have to make them straight, otherwise it bugs me all day lol. And it's the same if there's two things on my desk that are roughly the same size, if their on opposite sides of the desk, then they have to be parallel to each other, and if theirs a small sheet or something under a big sheet, then I have to take the small one out from underneath it, and put the bigger piece on the bottom, otherwise I feel like I could be missing an important piece of work, so I have to have them like that so that I can see all my work at once, if you look at my desk theirs like pyramid stacks of paper and stuff.

Also with my guitar, all the leads I use have to be wound back up after use, the Guitar has to be straight when it's hanging off the wall (Thats more for the sake that I don't want to put too much strain on one side of the hanger, incase it falls off :L) And for all the effect pedels I use I made a rig out of a few pieces of wood so that they all stay together and aren't scattered about everywhere, and like the paper thing, they go in order of size.

Weirdly though I don't care what state my Garage is in, there's bikes, tools, pieces of bike, break cables, and all sorts everywhere and it really doesn't bother me that it doesn't have a proper place, it's weird :L

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Everything has to be symmetrical/neat, it really annoys me when something isn't,for instance if I'm queueing to buy something at a shop and there's some leaflets, and they're not all perfectly straight behind each other, so you can see the corner of one behind or something like I have to make them straight, otherwise it bugs me all day lol. And it's the same if there's two things on my desk that are roughly the same size, if their on opposite sides of the desk, then they have to be parallel to each other, and if theirs a small sheet or something under a big sheet, then I have to take the small one out from underneath it, and put the bigger piece on the bottom, otherwise I feel like I could be missing an important piece of work, so I have to have them like that so that I can see all my work at once, if you look at my desk theirs like pyramid stacks of paper and stuff.

Also with my guitar, all the leads I use have to be wound back up after use, the Guitar has to be straight when it's hanging off the wall (Thats more for the sake that I don't want to put too much strain on one side of the hanger, incase it falls off :L) And for all the effect pedels I use I made a rig out of a few pieces of wood so that they all stay together and aren't scattered about everywhere, and like the paper thing, they go in order of size.

Organisation for the win agree completely! Apart from the last bit, bikes need to be neat :P

Edited by Miss-Higgy
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