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Do You Have Anything A Specific Way?


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Just wondering if anyone on here has any specific maybe even silly ways of doing thing's. they will admit to, I don't have very many and the ones i do are silly. Stuff like;

Making sure my electric guitar is turned down before anyone unplugs it.

Brew making surface has to be clean at all times.

when i go shopping to asda etc i have to put everything on the till as i want it to go into the bags, and i hate having people pack for me they do it wrong!!!

I also seem to have an obsession with hats?? I can't stop collecting them and i never wear them.

Jim is the one that got me thinking having been a trials rider for a good 20 years of his life, everything has to be inch perfect no matter what he does.

Even down to chopping and onion each dice has to be the same size or he isn't happy.

Cables behind the telly are all matched colour coded and neatly arranged.

I've stopped putting his clothes away because i never do it right.

If building something everything is measured to the mm and carefully built!

And there's too many more to mention!

So yeah what do you do inch perfect or double check or have to do?


Edited by ch@v3tt3
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when i go shopping to asda etc i have to put everything on the till as i want it to go into the bags, and i hate having people pack for me they do it wrong!!!

i`m like this, it winds me up when the missus pack shopping cos she don`t do it right, also, when i fill the fridge with beer, all the labels have to point to the front and be straight otherwise i`ll do it again. tyres on my bike, the logos are exactly 90 degrees from the logo on the rim, so it looks even.

i could put loads of stuff, but i don`t think its ocd ish, its just having a bit of order in your life

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Learn what OCD is. Everything posted so far in here is just getting wound up when things aren't done logically.

OCD is having to go to the front of every class and having to tap the board 3 times, or instead of shutting a door, shutting it 3 times, or organising everything in a room depending on how sharp it is.

OCD - Irrational.

Being tidy/organised - Very slight autistic trace.

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Not really OCDs but more of a thing I HAVE to do - I have to use the big knifes and forks at home. I refuse to eat anything withe the smaller ones. 100% I wont touch the smaller knifes and forks.

I won't go out of the house (my house) on a morning without a shower, if I don't have a shower I don't go out. Simple.

If I notice a spec of dust/dirt on a table I will wipe it off, then i'll notice another spec close by so i'll wipe that off too, rinse and repeat and in the end I usually just get my sleeve and wipe the whole surface.

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Isnt there kinda a difference between being organised / tidy / not a spastic and washing your hands till they bleed and turning the light on and off 30 times before you're happy?

It's an ocd if you become anxious and overly preoccupied at not having things tidy. organised, etc. My mum has an ocd for cleanliness. If she becomes aware of a mess she won't be able to stop thinking about it or relax until it's done. There's a definite difference between appreciating tidiness and feeling good about it against needing tidiness in order to feel okay or get away from feeling bad. This made living with my mum very difficult when you have a more relaxed notion about mess... >_<

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I wouldn't consider myself to have OCD, but I do have a thing with volume on any electrical item especially in vehicles. It has to be on an even number or 5, I have no idea why, but if I know the volume isn't on an even number or 5 then I can't stop thinking about it about and the urge to change it so it is correct for me get's overwhelming if someone else is driving as I know they'll laugh at me for it.

Also when shopping I cannot take the first 2/3 products if it can be helped. I have this theory that the first product will have been picked up by various people before me, looked at tit, then decided they don't want it and put it back. But then I think what if someone else thinks this and so takes the 2nd or 3rd product behind the first, look at it then put it back. So because of this I take from further back. No idea why I think that, but I do and can't help but do it.

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Not exactly OCD, but I have a "routine" for everything I do. The first time I do something I automatically create a way of doing it, which I then have to copy exactly for every time after that.

I also have a place for everything, every little item has to be in the right place at all times. It has it's advantages and disadvantages.

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I usually check that doors are locked a couple of times with in a smallish period of time before I go to bed or go out. Even though I know I have locked it, I just have to make sure. Kind of OCD?

And these are more about organisation. All tools have to go back in the right order and place in the tool boxes. DVDs have to go in order of sequals, genres and order of how much I like them. Same with games and CDs. My PC is very organised with lots of folders and sub-folders and I like my desktop to have nothing on it.

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I usually check that doors are locked a couple of times with in a smallish period of time before I go to bed or go out. Even though I know I have locked it, I just have to make sure. Kind of OCD?

Ah same as me (Y). Also every time i eat, I always brush my hand over the plate to make sure there are no hairs for some odd reason and when im out i have u wipe the knife and forks in a cerviet to make sure its clean :giggle: otherwise i get annoyed!

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i dont know if i have ocd but judging by what has been said in previous posts i am starting to think i do so here goes

all washing (clothes ) must be folded to the size of one a4 sheet of paper and colour coded even when taking off a t-shirt i have to fold and put not throw,

i also lose sleep if things are not symetrical ie on my tv stand, tv in the middle on top, next shelf down sky box perfectly in the middle, next shelf down xbox perfectly in the middle with a controller either side facing the same direction.

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I have to check doors are locked 2 or 3 times.

Check any gas appliance is switched off 2 or 3 times.

Volume has to be 1,2,3,5,7,8 or 10, 4 or 6 is not ok because it's too close to 5, 9 or 11 is not ok because it may aswell be 10 :P

I can't have someone read my magazine/paper before I've read it, it drives me nuts!

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I wouldn't consider myself to have OCD, but I do have a thing with volume on any electrical item especially in vehicles. It has to be on an even number or 5, I have no idea why, but if I know the volume isn't on an even number or 5 then I can't stop thinking about it about and the urge to change it so it is correct for me get's overwhelming if someone else is driving as I know they'll laugh at me for it.

Also when shopping I cannot take the first 2/3 products if it can be helped. I have this theory that the first product will have been picked up by various people before me, looked at tit, then decided they don't want it and put it back. But then I think what if someone else thinks this and so takes the 2nd or 3rd product behind the first, look at it then put it back. So because of this I take from further back. No idea why I think that, but I do and can't help but do it.

i know where you are coming from mate, i never get the top newspaper in the pile, ALWAYS the second one down, if it`s the last one i won`t buy it.

also the product thing, i`m the same. always put right shoe on before left, right glove on first, can`t have the volume in the car on an odd number.

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I dont but my house mate is obsessive over certain thing which I think a bloody stupid.


I get repetitive if I'm anxious about something - it mostly happens when I'm doing maths based work, like coursework or an exam. I'll be anxious to make sure I'm right so will double/triple check everything, even if I'm 100% confident it doesn't need checking (for instance basic multiplication like 1x2, 2x2...), just because I'll hate myself if I'm wrong. I'll even double check 3+8 on my calculator if I did it in my head.

I do this with bike maintenance or other practical as well - where I'll triple check bolt tensions or tolerances even though I've just checked it and know it's right. But I suppose being sure's not a bad thing...

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I have to have my tab bars in the exactly the same order each time I go on the computer and I also have to have the same order on my favourites bar.

I have to eat chocolate biscuits the chocolate side up because they taste completely different the otherway around.

If I'm turning up the volume on the TV I have to have to do it in fives so if its at 30% and someone changes it to 37% I can't take it.

Everytime I eat an apple I always eat it anti-clockwise.

I've developed this weird habit of only talking to my dog in a south african accent.

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