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Mobile Phones

trials owns

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The bold is the more expensive one!

Its the curve thats the cheap one

haha If the expensive one thats not great, goodness knows what the cheaper one would be like :P

Samsung galaxy is little outta my budget :(

Not sure about the HTC HERO as id rather have a full flat phone hehe, As longs as it text and feels good im not to fuss on what i get :D

Cheers everyone!

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Yeah, look in the ebay auctions, you can get a very good deal.

I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V, it is really good, HD recording, Android 2.3, fast 1.4ghz processor.. But if new, it might go above your budget. I also have a Motorola Defy which is great. Android 2.2, veeery good screen colours, and the best thing is that it is completely sumergible in water. It also might go a bit above that budget though, but these phones if you find them "used" in ebay, will be more ore less in your budget.

A used iphone will always be more expensive than £100. However if you decide to extend yout budget, I personally rather prefer a Galaxy S 2..

So, my recommendation is you to go for an Android OS with a capacitative screen.

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