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What Pad Refills To Buy?


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check the pad reviews section!

(the topic 2 above this one currently)

to be honest, you could get lots of replies and no definative answer...its almost a pointless question in that case, theres just too many influencing factors

1. rims - the type, the grind (harsh/fine?), how well the grind has been applied

2. booster/frame - different levels of stifness effect how well certain pads seem to work, cnc backings?

3. setup - how well its bled? how well its been squared to the rim?

4. maintanance - is the h33 sluggish? lazy slave? recently serviced?

5. personal preference on what a good brake is?

6. how clean the rim/pad is kept - contaminants are one of he biggest influences on a pads performance

7. the batch of material the pad has come from!

those are the sorts of factors that you just dont hear about with other peoples set-ups - so how can you really compare? its why the belaeys have been given both rave (by me too) and awful reviews

some names do crop up repeatedly - lgms/beleays/cousts/heatsinks etc - if youre going to change, id stick with one of the popular ones....its still as much of a risk whether they will perform as well for you as they do for whoever recommends them

Edited by chris4stars
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1. rims - the type, the grind (harsh/fine?), how well the grind has been applied

2. booster/frame - different levels of stifness effect how well certain pads seem to work, cnc backings?

3. setup - how well its bled? how well its been squared to the rim?

4. maintanance - is the h33 sluggish? lazy slave? recently serviced?

5. personal preference on what a good brake is?

6. how clean the rim/pad is kept - contaminants are one of he biggest influences on a pads performance

7. the batch of material the pad has come from!

To be fair, when I was getting pads a few months back I had mixed replies but I someone told me (may have been dan2707) that they were running a similar set up (echo tr rim, medium grind a 2bolt booster and LGMs) and they work really well so I got them and they are amazing. Best pads I've ever had!

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check the pad reviews section!

(the topic 2 above this one currently)

to be honest, you could get lots of replies and no definative answer...its almost a pointless question in that case, theres just too many influencing factors

1. rims - the type, the grind (harsh/fine?), how well the grind has been applied

2. booster/frame - different levels of stifness effect how well certain pads seem to work, cnc backings?

3. setup - how well its bled? how well its been squared to the rim?

4. maintanance - is the h33 sluggish? lazy slave? recently serviced?

5. personal preference on what a good brake is?

6. how clean the rim/pad is kept - contaminants are one of he biggest influences on a pads performance

7. the batch of material the pad has come from!

those are the sorts of factors that you just dont hear about with other peoples set-ups - so how can you really compare? its why the belaeys have been given both rave (by me too) and awful reviews

some names do crop up repeatedly - lgms/beleays/cousts/heatsinks etc - if youre going to change, id stick with one of the popular ones....its still as much of a risk whether they will perform as well for you as they do for whoever recommends them

This man speaks the truth!!!!

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