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What Tyre (26")


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Tyre weight make s alot of difference purely because rotating weight ( when moving ) is greater than static weight.

Rear tyre for me would be try-all stiky light if you ride smoothly and can afford it.

If your a bit heavier or land heavily then Der Kaiser / Rain King ( conti )

If you want a light tyre but cant afford the try-all lite and dont mind sacrificing a bit of grip try the Kenda Nevegal 2.5 stik-e single ply.

If you want a tyre that can take some shit, maxxis Minion 2.5 stiky 42a, slightly less grippy and long lasting as a Der Kaiser / Baron / RAin KIng

You should notice a fair increase in grip ( and, depending on tyre choice ) puncture resistance.

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Out of all the rear tyres I've run I've been most impressed with my TryAll Sticky Lite. The grip it offers is way above anything else, it seems to be wearing pretty well, it's fairly light and I've not got a pinch flat in the 6 months I've been running it (20 ish PSI). If you can afford it and are happy to spend the money then I don't think anything else comes close.

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I've only run a standard tryall stiky and a der kaiser but I have to say the der kaiser seems unstoppable gripwise and I've never had a pinch. If I had the money though I'd go for a stiky lite. Having seen what Jack Carthy rides with his it definately looks more then up to the job!

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Right, my take on things.

Get a Der Kaiser/Rain king if you can afford it. Buy one second hand or something.

If you can't, get a 2.35 dual ply maxxis minion super tacky. I'd have one over the Try-all tyres as they use the same durometer compound but the tread pattern is better (Try-alls get less pointy as they wear, highrollers are about the same) and the square profile of the highroller is more stable. Get the 2.35 to add to the stability.

But seriously if you can get a DK/RK, get one.

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I got a second hand rain king off bigman, probably about 40-50% tread left, pretty heavy at 1180g but the stability and grip is unreal, even with it so worn. I believe the DK is lighter, I'm very interested in trying a 2.3 black chilli baron once the RK finally dies :)

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Well similar compound, different tread pattern, carcass shape, carcass thickness (I'd say the maxxis offer slightly thicker sidewall compared to the stiky, and certainly the stiky light)and branding obviously. 2.5 minion is a fairly solid choice, I ran one for a while with no problems, then the Contis came out.

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