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Day Out Riding


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Sorry to sound stupid but I gap the same way, left foot forward and tilted to the left a bit(not as extreme as he is though) I do side hop the other way though lol. Why do you say to learn doing things the other way.

Back on topic, nice work but for some reason every time you went to do a big gap it kinda jumped.

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Another vote for Team IHaven'tGotAClueHowYouGap.

You seem to drop into a preload position, then as you come out of it change your mind, re-preload and stay in that position 'til you land on the other side. Might be worth watching a few vids of comp riders to work out the difference between your technique and that of those riders at the top (Y)

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Nice video, sidehops looks pretty good!

Cheers for the comments people.

Right yeah I have seen this like stutter in my gaping ect.. I was wondering can people try and help me get this right ? Any practices I could do to try and prevent this from happening ?

It seems that you don't use the pedalkick technice (spelling?) as much as you should. You should be using in gaps the moment you leap of, now it looks like you almost have your brake locked. Try to do the same thing in your gaps as when your just dropping off, only a little bit faster (obviosly). As said, watch videos in slowmo and compare your technices to theirs and you'll se :)

Good luck!

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