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Any Automotive Tools That Might Work To Remove My Freewheel


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Why is that, out of interest?

On the times I've done it (granted, only a few), I've always had the crank in the vice and an adjustable + bar on top, and it's worked easy enough.

Is it just better for super-stiff ones, and I've been lucky all this time?

You can get some that are better than others. If you get ones sent in from people who put freewheels on dry, for example, you definitely need it the other way round.

A lot of them are still do-able with the crank in a vice, it's just easier to do it the other way round and use more leverage.

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I work in bikehut in my local store and their organisation store is crap. According to my manager our store is in the top 10 in the area/country (I can't remember exactly but we make a lot of money apparently). The rota for work hours are all over the place, days off are never the same each week, unless you're part time, full time they will juggle you about. Last week I've worked 5 days in a row and next week I have 4 days off in a week? I can never plan anything ahead either. And you don't get paid more for overtime unless they REALLY REALLY need you and you tell them the only way you'll work is if you get double pay. I'm making it sound bad I know, and it is in some ways. I'm only there cos I need money though. Once I've saved enough I'll be gone!

And in regards to the freewheel, when I tried to take my ENO off. It took a few grown men and a 4-5 foot long scaffolding pole over the cranks for leverage to get it off. Freewheels are bastards. If they come off easily with no extra leverage you're either hulk or something is wrong with the threads!

When I worked in Bikehut in Abingdon, the manager used to phone and ask if I can pop in to work for the day, no uniform and double pay. Happened at least once a week.

I used to get my freewheel off with a vice and a rubber mallet. Clamp it in and go He-man on it.

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