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Ever Get Problems When Out Riding?


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Hi guys, just wandered if anyone gets any problems when out riding, like getting moaned at, police telling you to leave the area, chavs shouting stuff etc, the reason why i thought about this is because when i ride around my local area i always get people shaking there heads and moaning at me, but when i rode a bigger place the other day it was even more chaos, so yeah do you ever get any problems when out riding?


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Very rarely, and if we ever do it always tends to be one person in the group that thinks he should act the big man and give shit back that provokes it.

What the person is actually doing is giving us all a negative label on which others stereotype us for, when more than often we are all genuinely polite and considerate people.

You respect others, they'l respect you.

Not a dig at any of you mind, just putting across my opinion thumbsupanim.gif

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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Very rarely, and if we ever do it always tends to be one person in the group that thinks he should act the big man and give shit back that provokes it.

What the person is actually doing is giving us all a negative label on which others stereotype us for, when more than often we are all genuinely polite and considerate people.

You respect others, they'l respect you.

Not a dig at any of you mind, just putting across my opinion thumbsupanim.gif

That happened on a Leeds ride one time. Someone came up or down (not sure whos friend group they were in) to a leeds ride and started squaring up to the f**king security guard!! Made us genuine nice Leeds riders look like tit heads. I just facepalmed and walk away. Sam we are probably talking about the same guy...

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yes all the time i always get people saying oh you shouldnt do that you'll kill your self and the typical insult from a chav that rides a childs bike a no seat wanker

This is just a little bit of info, when you type the way you talk, you need to use good grammar. When you use none at all, it's hard to decipher what you're saying.

"Yes, all the time, I always get people saying, "Oh you shouldn't do that you'll kill yourself", and the typical insult from a chav that rides a child's bike... "No seat wanker".

English is beautiful, use it.

Anyway, I've never had problems doing any sort of street sport, I get pretty bored of the same spots and like looking for my own bits of treasure, so I'm normally moving around. And like most people have said, if you get asked, just move on, why not build up good relations in the areas you want to ride?

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Very little nowadays. Get asked more about Danny Macaskill, "have you seen that guy on you tube?" or "can you flip out of a tree aswell?" You get the odd "excuse me do you think thats appropriate to ride on there?" I have said in the past all im doing is riding my bike not mugging old ladies or drinking on the streets or doing drugs. Nowadays i just put my headphones in and ride away.

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I hate getting in trouble in anyway at all so I'll usually avoid places I know I'll get kicked off, however regarding how I'll react depends on how I am treated. Isome security guard comes up at insults me or is aggressive, I'll normally give as good as I get, if they are nice and treat me like a member of society I'll treat them with respect.

Today I got told to "fall off" when riding along a wall by a group of lads above me on a slope, I treated this one with a show of my middle finger as I HATE people who want me to hurt myself. Dicks.

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p that thinks he should act the big man and give shit back that provokes it.

Mark pugh what a guy hahahahahaha

That happened on a Leeds ride one time. Someone came up or down (not sure whos friend group they were in) to a leeds ride and started squaring up to the f**king security guard!! Made us genuine nice Leeds riders look like tit heads. I just facepalmed and walk away. Sam we are probably talking about the same guy...

Pugh would of probably ended up hitting the guy to be fair..

To answer to the thread though. I barely have any problems.. we did take over a spot where all the drunks use to all go n kind of scared em of aha. I don't think there wo a fan of our loud brakes n connel liking to do sidehops near them haha

Edited by Andeee
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Today I got told to "fall off" when riding along a wall by a group of lads above me on a slope, I treated this one with a show of my middle finger as I HATE people who want me to hurt myself. Dicks.

me and a mate were once told by an old woman that she hoped we fell off into the road and got hit by a car, then she said when it happened she would laugh, we were just riding in a local village, no ones property (other than the council) so cant really see how it was provoked but there you go!

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me and a mate were once told by an old woman that she hoped we fell off into the road and got hit by a car, then she said when it happened she would laugh, we were just riding in a local village, no ones property (other than the council) so cant really see how it was provoked but there you go!

Depending how old she is go laugh at her iminent funeral. See how she likes it.

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I hate getting in trouble in anyway at all so I'll usually avoid places I know I'll get kicked off, however regarding how I'll react depends on how I am treated. Isome security guard comes up at insults me or is aggressive, I'll normally give as good as I get, if they are nice and treat me like a member of society I'll treat them with respect.

Today I got told to "fall off" when riding along a wall by a group of lads above me on a slope, I treated this one with a show of my middle finger as I HATE people who want me to hurt myself. Dicks.

This. Last time i got grief was when i tried to get into the seafront lift in Ramsgate. Ten minute walk round and up a big hill or ten seconds in the lift, no one about so not getting in the way, bike clean off we go.....until the ice cream woman literrally chases me down the hall, looks at me like i'm pissing on her kids then actually barges past me and physically blocks the door. Game on.......give her a nod, press the call button. She then sprints back up the hall, comes back waving keys telling me she is turning it off? Then couldn't help goadng a bit over council tax which and public services and needing lift police uniforms. Some people ask for it

At the other end. Possibly the same day i had a bloke who'd been on the sea wall with his mate walk past and ask if i competed and was genuinely interested, proper grown up as well (Y)

Edited by murph82
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Today I got told to "fall off" when riding along a wall by a group of lads above me on a slope, I treated this one with a show of my middle finger as I HATE people who want me to hurt myself. Dicks.

I hate this. One time I was practising foot jam tailwhip drops and a grandmother was laughing when I failed and even encouraging her grand daughter to do so. If I had never ridden and saw someone doing what I was doing I would have appreciated the dedication but to them watching me fall and jump over was hilarious. And also people that honk, especially annoying one time when I was riding along a rail and it gave me a massive shock and I jumped off.

But generally I get a lot more positive then negative. These days almost everytime I go out I get someone ask what I'm doing or encourage me somehow. Like the nice Scottish guy who went 'was close that time!'.

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