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Why So Many Stem Stackers?

Matt Vandart

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i know it sounds dumb,but in my experience the 25.4/22.2 shims seem to compensate some of the stress at the bar clamp area.just a thought,i have no evidence for that.

but have seen the same bars snapping in a bmx stem (22.2),as holding up well in a 25.4 mtb stem,with the same guy riding them the same way.

maybe a "monday"-set of bars,but who knows.

Or it could just be that he happened to crash with them in a certain way, at a certain point? Your bars are subjected to a hell of a lot of force for their entire working life, and a random crash where you hit them the wrong way can make a big difference to how long they'll last. That's why I don't really have any faith whatsoever in bar comparisons like that.

Regarding the Funn bars - 50mm rise: no thanks.

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the rise would be perfect for me,because with my stem it would have exactly the same bar position as in the first "lottastackas" case.

wich bring us back to topic,how to avoid stacker towers.

for the funn bar i thought more about the strenght of it.

anyone had these?

edit:mark,what about the onza os steel bars?if theyre good i maybe changing to oversize parts

Edited by FamilyBiker
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Weight doesn't really mean anything in that sense though. Just going for things because they're heavy doesn't guarantee anything. The heaviest frame I've ever used broke in 2 weeks.

So no, I'd go for basically anything else. The reason they're heavy is they're made from a cheap material (hence they're very cheap to buy).

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the rise would be perfect for me,because with my stem it would have exactly the same bar position as in the first "lottastackas" case.

wich bring us back to topic,how to avoid stacker towers.

for the funn bar i thought more about the strenght of it.

anyone had these?

edit:mark,what about the onza os steel bars?if theyre good i maybe changing to oversize parts

I have the fun 50mm bar on my street bike. Well, it's more of a do everything as I ride it on trails as well. It's holding up fine and is stiff as f**k and pretty light.

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did you notice how the posts in the topic changed from stackers to bars?

topic question - why so many stem stackers?

topic answer - because it feels better and there arent bars available to provide the adequate rise

been watching the topic as its progressed...personally with something as important as bars, an extra 20-30 quid for reputable decent ones is more than worth it. can only imagine a worse case scenario with a set of bars that snap mid move

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i even dont wanna know how he looked after this happened...

i agree...theres a recent clip of some guy doing a wall ride to a drop, its a pretty big move and his bb or crank snaps. the clip in slow motion looks dam painful, but shows perfectly how the body just falls straight into the frame

swap that for a bar snapping on one side for example?

i imagine you have your chest/neck area potentially falling into a snapped piece of bar pointing upwards out of the stem (as your hand on the unsnapped side pushes that side downwards - tilting the bike)

i may have seen a vid a while ago of someone snapping their bars mid move, cant remember who it was but it looked like they got off lightly! just not worth the risk in my opinion

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i agree...theres a recent clip of some guy doing a wall ride to a drop, its a pretty big move and his bb or crank snaps. the clip in slow motion looks dam painful, but shows perfectly how the body just falls straight into the frame

swap that for a bar snapping on one side for example?

i imagine you have your chest/neck area potentially falling into a snapped piece of bar pointing upwards out of the stem (as your hand on the unsnapped side pushes that side downwards - tilting the bike)

i may have seen a vid a while ago of someone snapping their bars mid move, cant remember who it was but it looked like they got off lightly! just not worth the risk in my opinion

I snapped my bars a few weeks ago preloading for a side hop. Legs pushed the bike away and I sat (rather quickly of course) on the dirt. Got off lightly!

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The three times I've broken things front end related I've had the same thing. Each time it was landing a gap, so my bike just went 'see you later' and jetted off into the distance while I had a quick sit down.

EDIT: Actually, the fourth time was my steel bars breaking, and I still rode out of the line ;)

EDIT 2: Speaking of sitting down after front end related issues:

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i even dont wanna know how he looked after this happened...


...probably snapped,too

those look like the alloy Ns bars (Mint?). Alloy bars with a 25.4 clamp never strike as much confidence in me, 31.8 all the way! 22.2 is fine in steel though, the NS district bars seem the best out there at the moment.

I have only ever snapped one pair of bars, they were old Azonic world Force bars and I snapped them doing an 8ft drop, I got out of it fine, didn't even fall over.

I really don't see the need to get 700g Funn bars, I never snapped my 330g Inspired bars and that was regularly doing 12ft drops.

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that's mad i got told i was running too much on my pace with 15mm lol

Your Pace is a very different machine though. Rise should be relative to BB height, and your Pace will be much lower than the Inspired - plus the type of riding will call for a different height. Apples and Oranges.

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those look like the alloy Ns bars (Mint?). Alloy bars with a 25.4 clamp never strike as much confidence in me, 31.8 all the way! 22.2 is fine in steel though, the NS district bars seem the best out there at the moment.

i HAVE to tell it to you,though i hate to say it(cos i wanted to buy them,too):

these are district bars!

the preload thing is probably because when comprimating(i hope this word really exist) and pulling then to gain height you get a serious ammount of bending force into the bars.and no matter if its alu or steel,many few have an elastic module of more than 8-15%,wich together with tensile strength is fundamentalfor the bars holding up or not. there can be dynamic forces at around 2k newton each end of the bar (90kg rider,700mm bar(lever 300-330,depending on stem clamp,means pulling force aprox. 400N/grip)

holy s**t,would somebody please beef up any bar immediately??

have i ever told any of you how difficult it is to explain such things in english when your german?


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after a quick google, those do seem to be District bars, they also seem to be the 2009 model, 3 years is old for any bars let alone ones put up to street use. I wouldn't use one photo as a reason not to get bars, I still think they are the best steel bars out there.

I also still highly recommend Inspired and Trialtech bars, they are well worth a look if you want strength.

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that's mad i got told i was running too much on my pace with 15mm lol

I find the more scary thing about that setup is the fact the steerer was extended to allow that many stackers to be used... That just sounds so wrong to me!

FamilyBiker- what bike do you ride? Why do I get the feeling you're actually a proper street rider rather than a trials rider?

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