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Wall Ride To Flat Drop...street Trial


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Mr Sayshell - why do you seem to think that hollow steel is fine but hollow Titanium is "going to snap"?

because they don't warrenty the hollow ti ones and the hollow steel has a lifetime warrenty and they say the hollow ti one is for racing only. titanium is weaker than steel for sure but of course it depends on the grades and treatment. Low grade steel is weaker than aluminum. Titanium may have the same tensile strength as steel but that doesn't mean anything. carbon fiber has a higher tensile strength than steel, but its a million times weaker cause its brittle much like titanium. Anyone who would trust carbon fiber over steel is nuts. High grades of steel are stronger than titanium but I am just assuming this based on the idea if titanium were equal in strength then every pro who gets free stuff would run all titanium everything. I am not a titanium expert though and haven't studied the different alloys and their performance so I am just going off common sense. You can't determine a metals strength based off its tensile strength. For example U6 aluminum has lower tensile strength than 7005 but is less likely to snap. When actually placed on a machine that vibrates the metal until it breaks U6 outperforms 7005 by a lot. U6 is also the slightest bit lighter.

Edited by sayshell
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I've seen enough broken sets of Odyssey Wombolt and Twombolt cranks to never even possibly consider buying them. The fact they're hyping the Thunderbolt cranks as much as they are (and talking about how they're much stronger than the Twombolts, and have a much higher consistency and quality) suggests that Odyssey don't have much faith in them either.

Anyways, I saw a still of that wallride on Facebook and was pretty intrigued - nice one for giving it a go!

I don't know if this says much but it's pretty cool. And you can see clearly the other brands.

Thunderbolt test

I guess they have faith on their cranks then.

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