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Mathsy Oriented Minds, A Moment Of Your Time Please.


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First off - I'm not asking you to do my maths homework for me. Those days are over :P

I need to make an expression of some sort to calculate a variable to use in a piece of software.

I'm making a software instrument, and one of the important aspects of the sound is a reverse-type sound, where the ending is more important than the beginning.

I have a 4000ms sound file, which is exactly the right length at 120BPM (eight beats/two bars).

Obviously, when it's a faster BPM, I'll need to get it to start playing X milliseconds in to the sample so that it arrives at the end of the sample after two bars and vice versa

I've found a few values manually, but I need an expression so that when the user sets the BPM to whatever value they want, it'll work out how many milliseconds to leave before playing or chop off the start. Here are the values:


60 -4000

80 -2000

100 -800

120 0

180 1333

240 2000

320 2400

If not having to deal with negatives makes it much easier, I can happily alter the sample to become 4000ms longer, and set 60bpm to the minimum.

Been looking around for a while now. I can make a graph to show the trend, but I need to be able to calculate reasonably precisely the length of time with the BPM input.

The short version: What is/how do I determine the equation of an inverse quadratic graph (specifically, the values listed above)?

Really hope someone can help. It's the only thing holding me up at the minute.

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I'm with you right up until you mention BPM, bars etc... If it were just maths I'd be all over it but I have no clue whatsoever about bars and musicy shiznitz.

Well that's not particularly important anyway - that was just the context of the problem. If you can solve the problem without the context the super-kudos to you!

Surely whatever software you're using to make the graph can give you the equation of the graph? Giving you the equation to work out any variable at any number?

I made a graph in Excel - I looked around for ages for how to do that, but couldn't find it anywhere.

About to eat, will get on it later on. Essentially you just want an equation that fits those points listed, yeah?

Yeah - that's exactly it.

It doesn't work though, well, not as a quadratic anyway...

A quadratic was just a guess from the rough shape of it. Don't know much about different types of lineation (if that's even a word), logarithmic? Whatever... I don't mind what it is, so long as I can express it in a language based around C. (Not the crazy triple layered things they have in the movies :giggle:)

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Is that table in the first post definitely correct for what you need?

I'll check them again now, but I'm pretty sure.

Would +4000ing make the task any easier? Can do that no trouble at all.

Edit: that line you gave is the same one Excel gave me. I was hoping I'd done something wrong and that wasn't actually what I wanted.

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Ah right - no... they were just the BPMs I could be bothered to find out by actually changing it and lining up manually.

Would more be helpful? If it gets a decent result I don't mind rinsing a bunch of time on it.

You were right though - the last one should be 2498 if that makes a difference. Looks like we'd've prefered it to go 98 the other way though :giggle:

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Food = done.

To clarify (I'm a mathematician first, so only really interested in the data rather than the context :P) you just need an equation that fits the data points you gave?

Does it matter how nasty the equation is? More nasty = better to use in terms of results, but obviously the more difficult it is to input into your code (and to an extent how long it'll take to compute when the program is run)

What are the likely highest and lowest bpm's that you need to consider?

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Simply approximating the curve we can use a relatively straightforward equation along the lines of

delay = (4000*bpm-480000)/bpm (quick play, think the numbers are out etc)


Though as we get to the edge of the data that starts to become a tad less accurate. In the range it works nicely though :P

Knowing the extremes of the range needed, we can tailor it a little so that this doesn't really matter though (Y)

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Food = done.

To clarify (I'm a mathematician first, so only really interested in the data rather than the context :P) you just need an equation that fits the data points you gave?

Does it matter how nasty the equation is? More nasty = better to use in terms of results, but obviously the more difficult it is to input into your code (and to an extent how long it'll take to compute when the program is run)

What are the likely highest and lowest bpm's that you need to consider?

It should be pretty simple so it'll run without any lag, but then it can be pretty nasty (up to a point). Something that'll give a return within +-50mS as a maximum should be fine, though within 10mS would be ideal.

In the interest of helping you guys to help me, I did some extras (please note the correction I made in an above comment is also in here.)

60 -4000

80 -2000

100 -800

120 0

140 569

160 995

180 1333

200 1598

220 1815

240 2000

260 2152

280 2283

300 2400

320 2498

Thanks for this. "Lifesaver" is an appropriate term, I think.

Edit: Majority of BPM usage will be in the 80-200 range. I put in the higher values in case it made calculating the curve easier.

Edit2: Is that graph in the latter post the one from "delay = (4000*bpm-480000)/bpm"? It looks pretty damned close in the most likely uses!

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Also, how are you working these figures out? From looking at samples, or actually calculating them? (Just checking :P )

Edit; for the larger data set, you can get a pretty sweet fitting curve with the ever-beautiful


So obviously this is where we need to find the limit between having a nice simple function, or having a more accurate one (Y)

Edit2; better throw in the graph. My bad!


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Also, how are you working these figures out? From looking at samples, or actually calculating them? (Just checking :P )

I've got the sample in question in a DAW, changing the BPM, lining the end of the sample up with a bar line, going back two bars, the number of mS on the readout of that minus the mS when cursor's on the start of the sample.

That make sense? I can draw a picture if not :P

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Yep, makes sense. In which case yeah, we need to work out what an acceptable limit for variation is (ie. what the most you can 'get away with' is before the samples sound out to your ear).

Remember there'll be a small error somewhere in reading off the data too, but should be near negligible on this kinda scale I'd have thought.

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Something that'll give a return within +-50mS as a maximum should be fine, though within 10mS would be ideal.

Whatever you've using to get these figures... Can you pick a figure and state how much it estimates? I'll check it against the way I've been doing it in the DAW.

Sample's a reversy-type sound anyway, so got a bit of leeway thanks to that.

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Sure :)

Taking something at the slower end of the scale as this will be where the largest errors will be (the faster you get, the less noticeable it'll be)

For a sample played at 65bpm this would give a delay of -3386.10ms.

Edit; think I've made a typo, let me double check this function a sec

Edit2; nope, seems pretty tight (Y)

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Sure :)

Taking something at the slower end of the scale as this will be where the largest errors will be (the faster you get, the less noticeable it'll be)

For a sample played at 65bpm this would give a delay of -3386.10ms.

Edit; think I've made a typo, let me double check this function a sec

Edit2; nope, seems pretty tight (Y)


I got (Edit: -)3387, and mine rounds off to the nearest mS. I'd say that's pretty bang on.

Was that the big complex'n'nasty one?

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It was indeed. The simpler function gave a delay of -3384.62ms, so isn't exactly a million miles out either (Y)

If you're able to try with both functions, give both a whirl and see if there's any noticeable computational lag when you run the sortware. I wouldn't have thought there'd be much, but you can decide then whether or not you need the raw accuracy or if the considerably simpler equation will cut the mustard (which it probably will)

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It was indeed. The simpler function gave a delay of -3384.62ms, so isn't exactly a million miles out either (Y)

If you're able to try with both functions, give both a whirl and see if there's any noticeable computational lag when you run the sortware. I wouldn't have thought there'd be much, but you can decide then whether or not you need the raw accuracy or if the considerably simpler equation will cut the mustard (which it probably will)

Excellent. Many many many loves for you.

I posted that thinking it was hopeless, and that I'd have to sign up to a maths forum and get told I was a f**king idiot a million times over.

Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes.

Had more than enough for today, but when I do it... (Y)

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