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tried putting my contacts in again this morning......I failed. It's not like I can almost get them in either, I can't get anywhere near, I really don't know how I managed it in the opticians, soooooo frustrating!

What's happening when you do it Ali?? When I put mine in I put them onto my eye and there's always a slight airbubble beneath them which I have to press gently to squeeze out, then I just blink gently once or twice and give my eyelids a light rub the second time when they're shut and they're in. Sounds like a lot when I read it back but it literally takes 10-15 seconds and thats it, my eyes water slightly once they're both in for the first time so I just wipe them with a towel and I'm away.

Do we need a TF video guide to putting in contacts??

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tried putting my contacts in again this morning......I failed. It's not like I can almost get them in either, I can't get anywhere near, I really don't know how I managed it in the opticians, soooooo frustrating!

I was like that yesterday... Lost my temper and just decided to go riding without any in

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What's happening when you do it Ali?? When I put mine in I put them onto my eye and there's always a slight airbubble beneath them which I have to press gently to squeeze out, then I just blink gently once or twice and give my eyelids a light rub the second time when they're shut and they're in. Sounds like a lot when I read it back but it literally takes 10-15 seconds and thats it, my eyes water slightly once they're both in for the first time so I just wipe them with a towel and I'm away.

Do we need a TF video guide to putting in contacts??

I tried the technique the opticians showed me where I pull my top lid open with one hand and the bottom with the other while the contact is on my index finger of the hand holding the bottom lid. This just doesn't open my eye big enough to fit the contact in though.

I get a much bigger area to work with if I just pull my bottom lid, but then I can't overcome my blink reflex and keep on knocking it off my finger.

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You're never going to overcome the blinking reflex, ever. If you think you're going to be able to manage it that way, you're going to have to at least hold down the top lid if you can't hold it up.

You must have really tight eyelids.

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But yeah when I went to the optitions the guy spent ages getting my first contacts in, I'm guessing Ali C had the similar issue. The idea of me trying not to blink when putting my contacts in just doesn't seem like it's ever going to be possible, and I wore them for 3-4 years.

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I do mine as you described Ali, and I find you have to aim a lot higher than you expect to start with. It's also a big help to make sure the finger you put the contact on is nice and dry first. I do the exact opposite of kaybs41282 and actually look right at it as it's approaching. I find it sticks to my iris a lot better than if it goes half on the white, then once it's stuck there tends to be a bubble so I move it around on my eye a bit until the bubbles gone, but if the bubbles clearly at one side you can release the eyelid opposite the bubble and it'll push it out as it shuts. I find it helps to be nice and close to a mirror, and stare directly at it in the reflection as you put it in.

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I just stare at the middle of my finger as it comes in. I have to do it the same way as Ali, both hands to hold my eye open. The optician said I had the strongest blink reflex he'd ever come across when he was trying to put them in because he just couldn't do it. (Thanks for protecting me so well body.) I really struggle getting mine in, for me it was just a case of persevering for the sake of the benefits. Even now I still knock lenses off my fingers due to me trying to blink etc.

As soon as you get it in, I move it around a little on my eyeball, that'll get rid of any trapped air underneath which for me can make them really uncomfortable if I don't get rid of it.

I've got the small eye hole problem too, I think that doesn't help when my vice like eyelids are trying to crush anything that comes near them. I found that I need to put an equal amount of pull on each eyelid so the whole is even and I can get my contact in. It is just a general ball ache for me, my eyes seem to burn as well when I put the lenses in due to the solution they're in.

I have dailies if that makes any difference. Only been using lenses for about a year.

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I've decided that trying to put contacts in is the single most infuriating thing I have ever done. I must have tiny eyelids as I just can't hold them enough to not blink, the lens keeps on falling off my finger too.

I HATE doing it, I would rather have blurry vision than do that every day (or every month).

I would love to have eye surgery but I am not sure if I am short sighted enough to justify the costs, plus it freaks me out that you are concious when they do it, eeuugh.

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd update this in case anyone cares, but I've finally got around to sorting out some new glasses. I went in with nothing in mind, having forgotten any names, or even specific looks I'd mentioned in here, made my choices based on what I thought looked good and suited me, just got home with them and remembered this thread, having checked I've ended up with the exact same pair I favored at the start of this thread, the first Lozza ones in my first post, as well as the exact same sunglasses I mentioned in a later post. laugh.gif I guess I'd managed to guess what would suit me pretty well first time around.

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I'm gonna be getting some glasses soon, where's cheap and good? By cheap I mean the cheapest out of the bigger places. I've not bought glasses for maybe 4 years, these are decrepit at best. I can't even remember where I went.

If they give student discounts that's even better.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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