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Bmx Trails


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I don't know how many people ride bmx on here, but I thought I might get the best replys from TF.

As digging season has just started and I have never dug a decent set of trails in 14 years of riding bmx, I thought I'd try and start some in my local area.

I've got together with a few of the locals and we've found a spot which we think will serve us nicely. Its in a hollow in a small wooded area. I've been informed that its private land, so the council can't plough them. Theres some fly tipping at one end that looks like its been there for ages, so hopefully the landowner never visits/doesn't care. Im coming into this literally clueless and wondered if anyone could offer some advice.

I've been down there and had a look, and I don't even know where to start or how to even begin planning anything.

Heres a crappy phone picture of the spot.


Any one build/maintain any trails that can off tips or advice to a total beginner?



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You want to start with deciding what you want in your run/s. Things like the run in from the start, is it on a hill or will you need space to ride in, always give yourself more than you need so if you increase size you still have space. Do you want a straight line or hips. Berms, rollers, step ups, step downs, etc.

Vary jumps, dont start huge either the first few should just be there to get into rythm.

Think big about drainage, the worst thing is water inbetween jumps, so dig inbetween a small amount with an escape route for water.

Trick jumps or gaps or both? Short steep jumps are hard to perfect but big gaps take time to work out distance you dont want to be over or under shooting.

Dont try and build tables unless you have alot of manpower/time. If your worried about testing them just get a door or something for the gap.

Try and use a pit for the dirt rather than random areas saves you losing space if you expand. And wheel barrows and water supplies help massively too.

All I can think of really but yeah hope it helps a little.

EDIT: I just looked at the picture its not a massive place so my reply might be a bit ott. Also see what the grounds like to build with first, some dirt is far to crumbly.

Edited by Rich J
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Thats amazing, cheers mate. I know the areas not huge, but hopefully we can learn at this spot and if/when we out grow it, we'll know what we're doing at the next one.

I've got some ideas of what I would like to build, so I think its just a matter of going down there and planning stuff out before we start digging. I haven't done much dirt riding, so I like the idea of small jumps first.

Thanks for all the advice, really useful (Y)

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