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What Are Your Wrists Like From Trials?


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read most of the topic, skipped the parts that got a little off track :P

ive had really sore wrist pains before, to the point that some moves were just a no go. ive only ever ridden 24" street (lots of trials type moves too) with an inspired/tt highrise bar tilted back as much as the regular person.

moves that hurt the most were when i was lifting and then pushing the front wheel forward when i was rolling up a wall or something along those lines.

ive got a very active manual handling job, and im also very active in the gym...general muscle strength was no issue at all, wrists never posed a problem doing any of this, it was only with riding

to the argument about low/high reps - whats good for one person isnt for another, even for building strength. my general sets go from 12-20 reps before i increase weight and that works perfectly fine for my body. its all about what suits you.

the problem sorted itself after changing the brake position (bringing them closer to the horizontal) and doing some wrist specific exercises. the best for me being where you rest your forearms on a flat surface with hand hanging over the edge and do mini wrist curls (both palm up and palm down as if you were rev-ing a motorbike) 3 sets of 20 reps (enough to leave your wrists pumping and feeling pretty big afterwards!) worked a treat

Edited by chris4stars
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Going to the gym doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. And a lot of people who go to the gym think they're instant experts. Strengthening a joint is very different to strengthening a muscle. Like you said you can strengthen muscle in your own little why within parameters, but when it comes to a joint, that's known to be weak due to the fact he's having problems with it. It's better to start with low load and higher reps than possibly snap his wrists.

Edit. That possibly sounded a lot more confrontational and harsh than I meant it to.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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The gym is not an efficient use of my time or energy, Dan. An hour in the gym is one hour less on my bike (or in the pub, or in bed).

joking aside...

if half an hour in the gym or at home with some makeshift weights/exercises (all that is needed if done properly for what he's needing) 3 times a week allows him to go out for an additional hour and a half on the bike...(or spend an hour and a half each week in less pain) then id say that was a very efficient use of time

i know sore wrists stopped me riding for hours and hours when i had them

* btw monkey, that comment wasnt directed at me was it?!

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* btw monkey, that comment wasnt directed at me was it?!

Not the whole "Entered gym = Master mindset" bit, but when you said "Different strokes for different folks" it triggered me to say what I did. Because I don't want someone getting conflicting messages throughout. In 95% of cases, there is a right way to do something. And when it comes to joints, or at least in my experience, it's definitely worth making sure you look after them. So I just don't want anyone getting the wrong message of "Beast out as much as you can and 10 years down the line have wrists that are either off or on.

Not trying to say you were saying that, but that's how I read it on my phone, and I was bored shitless so I wanted to respond :P

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Asked my teacher about correct use of the bench press today.

I was doing it wrong. I wasnt far off, but once set right its much harder giggle.gif

Im doing 85 for 15 in the 'correct' way.

Dont I feel an arse blushing.gif

Flat? Incline? Deciline? is it in g's or kgs? Each rep touching the chest?

P.s 130kg deadlifts for warm ups ***!!! or over 100kg squats for warm ups... Best thing ever :)

Edited by Andeee
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Not the whole "Entered gym = Master mindset" bit, but when you said "Different strokes for different folks" it triggered me to say what I did. Because I don't want someone getting conflicting messages throughout. In 95% of cases, there is a right way to do something. And when it comes to joints, or at least in my experience, it's definitely worth making sure you look after them. So I just don't want anyone getting the wrong message of "Beast out as much as you can and 10 years down the line have wrists that are either off or on.

Not trying to say you were saying that, but that's how I read it on my phone, and I was bored shitless so I wanted to respond :P

ah right cool - no i didnt say anything about low reps higher weights, my point was more directed against those saying that that is the way to build strength, and not high reps lower resistance

the idea being that id like this guy to not feel pressured into pushing himself with higher weights, and as you say, potentially causing further injury on joints etc

the wrist curls are a definate recommendation, with a low weight and 20 reps it poses very little strain on the joint itself (the first 10-15 on the first set or so will be deceivingly easy)

ive not only worked and gone through various gym/physical qualifications myself, i do train to a pretty decent level and seem to be surrounded by friends who are much more in the know about this than myself. some of which have come through injuries and are pushing weights close to double anything that has been mentioned here

we do obviously all share our experiences of what works/doesnt work, or what weve read up on, or what new piece of research has come out etc

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