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You've got way too much time on your hands dude to go through all that. Just saying...

It makes life easier for me in future if I've got a list of the images they've stolen now, so that I've got it all sorted for when I...

contact the website owner

So in fairness it was a pretty constructive use of my time, whereas you appear to be trying to start up another argument for no reason whatsoever?

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You really do have issues with this place, don't you?

Why not go and build your own forum? That way you can chat to whoever you want about whatever you want and not have to share the place with people you don't like :)

We wouldn't have to put up with you, either.

Nah am quite happy here to be fair...

Why make a thread apologising for being a turd burglur then act like one again a few weeks down the line lol.

Why do you spend more time riding your keyboard on the forum than riding your bike? Answer that one for me ehh?

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See what trials-forum copyright police say....

Seeing as you still don't quite seem to have been able to grasp things, I'll try and break it all down a little more for you.

I took those photos using a Canon 7D with a Sigma lens we bought specifically for that sort of thing. All that stuff in total cost around £1.5k. We then have the studio setup which we spent another couple of hundred on. We then got all those products in stock. I was then paid to take those photos and edit them. That means there was a reasonable financial outlay by Tartybikes in order to get those photos.

By contrast, they right-clicked, 'save target as', then had some ready-to-use images.

Which do you think cost more, and took more time to do? This is the reasonable that there's a pretty big amount of laws regarding intellectual property, copyright and so on.

To cover the 'why aren't you riding' base which is no doubt going to get touched on imminently I've tried riding today, but I've got some form of bronchitis at the moment which means even walking's pretty knackering so I haven't really been able to do as much as I'd like.

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You are so f**king retarded it hurts.

Why is it that you always take the easy insult, rather than giving a response to any well-thought-out, well put across discussion?

Id of expected better of you for someone who has been on the forum for years who i have seen help a fair few people out from your posts over the years.

Im no cactus expert but i know a p.r.i.c.k when i see one after reading your posts "trying" to insult me. You don't even know me, You have never even seen me before... my concern is why be an idiot?

if you haven't got anything to say then don't bother saying it that way you can avoid embaressment. So far you have made yourself look a complaint idiot to be fair.

I suggest you stop this.

Do me a favour... Grow the hell up

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I shall take that on board once you've gained a better grasp of the English language, and answered my question.

The fact that people have agreed with my post would imply that I'm not alone in thinking like that. I don't need to meet someone in the flesh to get a first (and second, third etc) impression of them, with 75% of the posts I see from you backing up that impression further and further.

Someone who's general attitude to social forum interaction is either to flame someone or ignore direct questions probably isn't the kind of person I'm going to take notice of telling me to "grow the hell up"

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I have not used that site before but I'm sure that if you either give them or a call you can find out what type of seller they are.

Sorry for being on topic but I thought seen as this is a forum and somebody was asking for help, I thought maybe I would try help them.


There's a few bike trials brands who are dealing with them so you shouldn't have to worry




Edited by Jamie_Trials
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