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Trials Newb Converting A 26" Dj To Trials Bike, Help!


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right then guys need some stuff clarifying:

right got a TREK BRUISER.

PIC>>>> 267538_10150720301590165_684975164_19756099_7113911_n.jpg

im turning into a trials bike but im not sure weather to put 24" wheels on it or 26" wheels? if i use 24" wheels will the bb be in trouble of being destroyed due to it sitting lower?

Also what do i do about gears do i single speed it or is there and 3 speed or 2 speed conversions you can do?

also can i use my dj stem and bars?

lol any input will be helpful and if ive missed any issues i might come upon whilst building please inform me now before hand, CHEEEEERS!

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Kinda, you're really better off saving for a true trials bike. However, as for learning the basic skills - trackstand, backhop, pedal-kick, balancing - your bike is probably capable of those as it is. You'd just need to select a lower gear.

Maybe you can save for a trials bike and learn on that bike in the meantime? Course, if you've got the money now, go ahead and check out what's in the for sale section!

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Kinda, you're really better off saving for a true trials bike. However, as for learning the basic skills - trackstand, backhop, pedal-kick, balancing - your bike is probably capable of those as it is. You'd just need to select a lower gear.

Maybe you can save for a trials bike and learn on that bike in the meantime? Course, if you've got the money now, go ahead and check out what's in the for sale section!

if i can find a dirt cheap frame and forks (26") then ill go for em, cheers mate.

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If you're interested in a complete T-rex, my friend has one I'm sure he could be persuaded to part with for decent money. It's standard except for having koxx bloxx pads, reds and yellows IIRC, and a hope pro II trials rear wheel.

how much mate im on a TIGHT! budget pal PM me if cheap mate.

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