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What Would You Like To Experience?


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I want to experience being best friends with a Leopard.

Snow or Normal? Sounds fun though

It's ok, she's just paranoid... Dunno why :P

What? Where? When? How can i be an Ozzy Ozbourne song? :P

And no worries dan i love to argue with people soooo much fun!

Edited by ch@v3tt3
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lol because its technically a drug like weed? And there is a lethal dose of chocolate for a human and you cant od on cannabis??? i like how I've manged to turn this into an anti drugs rally! ^^

I'm not condemning you for smoking weed, but your arguments for it are beyond absolute, shit-talking bollocks. I mean real, utter crap in the hole, nonsensical, lying, made-up fantasy based rub-bish. I'm glad you like it, and i'm glad people who want to do it, can do it - but arguments against its effects are really dumb.

The whole lethal thing is about as relevant as Gaffadi's Xmas wish list. Lethal dose of chocolate? You can have a lethal dose of pretty much anything. Water can kill you in under an hour if you drink enough so does that make it more dangerous than pot? Driving can kill you and is often referred to as lethal so does that make it more dangerous than pot? My point is the 'lethal slider scale' is useless.

There's no denying pot leads to paranoia which is rarely good, and i can't help but feel that most people who are attracted to it are bums anyway, so its just a way of justifying their lazy-ass lives. I know that’s a generalisation and equally quite a stupid comment, but it is based on what i’ve seen first hand.

I'd have more respect for someone regularly doing LSD than pot as at least you'd be trying to expand your mind, rather than just "chilling out". I mean does anyone really need something to help them relax? I've heard that comment sooo many times "i'm a really highly strung person and it helps me relax".....Bull. Shit. My mind goes at about 1,000,000,427 miles an hour with the amount of thoughts i have, but shit, if i want to chill out i just reach for some Tom Waits and educate my ass. Just i think it's really boring to take something to make you lazy when there are a thousand options to either get you going or potentially expand your mind or though process (if that’s your thing). This nation is dumb enough as it is, do we really need to further that?

Saying cannabis doesn't have any long term effects is so stupid it causes me pain, I can acknowledge booze and fags also have effects, but they're certainly not worse, so you can't justify pot as being somehow better. I don't want to hear another conspiracy story about the gouvernment legalising alcohol and cigarettes for the taxes maaan, and them being the most addictive narcotics available.

The simple fact for me is i really despise dumb people. Really don't like them, so if it's something you self inflict, then shit me that ain't something i ever going to understand.

The whole aphrodisiac thing as well......come on, who you trying to kid? No offense but based on your comments it clearly isn't working. Also the story about putting it out when a kid comes by....Jesus H Christ...the mental image that conjures causes me to despair. Where the screw are you smoking? A park? Comments like that just further reinforce my views on it.

I know this is an unintelligent rant, but i want you to understand how it feels to read/hear the endless pap from pot smokers about how safe and wonderful it is whilst ignoring the facts for their own benefit and justification.

Summary: I'm not judging you for smoking, i'm quite pleased for you. I don't have any issues with pot itself, only with the people who smoke it, they way they act and the way they justify it with utter rubbish about it's lack of effects. I think it's the pot smokers who ruined pot.

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Matthew, I was trying to quote you and then delete the text so I didn't have to call you by name, but I'm on my phone. Anyway, how much weed have you smoked and how many people do you know that smoke?

I agree with the majority of what you're saying, and I know you said you're generalising, but I'm just interested in your exposure.

P.S. This is not me trying to say that if you don't have any / enough experience you can't have an opinion by the way.

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Matthew, I was trying to quote you and then delete the text so I didn't have to call you by name, but I'm on my phone. Anyway, how much weed have you smoked and how many people do you know that smoke?

I agree with the majority of what you're saying, and I know you said you're generalising, but I'm just interested in your exposure.

P.S. This is not me trying to say that if you don't have any / enough experience you can't have an opinion by the way.

Not a great deal. But i was never excited by it so saw no reason to continue. I certainly wouldn't judge without having tried myself. I've just always found it really dull. I'm quite excitable anyway and this is only accentuated when i'm out so i'm not really attracted to anything that would reverse that. I'm quite a (for want of a better word) silly character that enjoys having fun (who don't eh?) so i wouldn't want to subdue that. For example for my next night out my priority (to ensure i have a good time) is to find some gold glitter which i can fill my pockets and waistcoat with so when the occasion is just right i can make a beautiful golden haze. You see, i'm not sure pot will help me with this. I'd probably forget how to blow.

I know plenty of people who smoke it ranging from people my age, little scrotes to my Dad and my very well off stoke broker uncle. So it's fair to say i know a good range. I went away last summer with some friends and some other people joined us who had some very dedicated pot related equipment. Nice little bongs, cases, all the stuff you could need and again, to me, all very boring. It's just not exciting enough for me. When i interacted with any of these people mentioned i find them significantly more annoying when high on pot. It f**ks me off that they laugh at nothing, it annoys me they're too stupid to finish a simple sentence, and it makes me want to rip their shit looking faces off when those of them who are highly intelligent can;t converse with me in an interesting manner.

Again, because i really want to make it clear. Truly i don't condemn it. Simply, i just don't get it.

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You do have some good points and i do completely know of all the adverse effects and if you liked something with adversity would you not over look it? In short weed works for some people, and not others. End of...? Call me boring but i'm bored of debating this subject.

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So, I've finally got access to a computer. Anyway, those of you saying weed is bad etc, this is for you. Sorry it's not necessarily in line with the current argument or whatever, this is the first chance I've had to give a proper response.

There's 2 kind of people that smoke weed, stoners, and those that smoke weed. I f**king hate stoners, these are the people who let it take over their life, smoke it every day and have absolutely no drive or passion to do anything. They're probably lazy to begin with and the weed doesn't make it any better. But some of us function fine, and even excel in some fields.

I've smoked a lot of weed, and I'm not saying "Hey look at me! I'm so cool!" I'm just saying that I have. I've never enjoyed drinking alcohol, I like to smoke, that's what I do once a week to blow off some steam and relax with mates or whatever. I think a lot of people see it as a drug that turns people into recluses, and yeah it most certainly does with those who smoke every single day, but it's an incredibly social drug, it's a drug that is made for sharing. If you meet anyone who smokes weed, in a "proper" way, or what I would call a proper way, they would rarely smoke alone, and you never have a joint to yourself. You always pass it around. How many of you who say weed is a bad drug have ever shared a pint with a mate?

I could go on and on and defend it all day, it's a culture, and it's name is tarnished by the way some people do it. But in the same way I don't tar all drinkers to the same brush, you should do the same with those who smoke weed. Look what alcohol does to some people, all the violence and chaos caused every weekend, ever seen people that are high doing that sort of thing?

This is my generic response to describe weed to anyone that ever asks, "It's like being a kid again, but with an adult brain." By that I mean it makes everything a little more wonderous, but you have the ability to understand the concepts behind whatever it may be. Ever looked at the moon, and really tried to picture what it is? A ball of rock moving at thousands of miles an hour around our planet, our planet moving around a star etc, you can comprehend the things that as a child amazed you, but instead of merely understanding it, you get the amazement back.

It's so hard to explain, but it's given me a much better scope of understanding. I feel now that I'm able to take a step back and really think about something, purely because I've "had my mind opened" as it were. And I'm not saying it would have the same effect on everyone at all, like Matthew said he's very intense as it is, and from a lot of his posts he seems to be incredibly creative, whereas I'm very factual normally, very scientific and objective. So it may have opened a different part of me that some of you may already see. I'm a facts and figures dude and I kinda like seeing a more "beautiful" side of the world we live in.

Sorry for sort of taking over the thread, but I just felt that marijuana needed someone to stand up for it. Someone who isn't a f**king dullard.

/end rant.

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Yeah, i can acknowledge it's not as simple as i appeared to put it. I think it was more of a reaction at that chav girl as she seemed to portray the archetype pot head. As i mentioned i know some very intelligent people who do it regularly so there must be something to it, but i think you're very right it's not for everyone.

It was quite strange how you mentioned me at the end as i was reading the moon story i was thinking "but i feel that sense of wonderment all the time" so couldn't really understand what you were saying and couldn't help but think pot wouldn't aid me with those feelings. For instance i'll always remember about a year ago waiting for a train on the way to work and one rushed through the station in a snowy day and it send a cloud of powdery snow everywhere. That was pretty in itself but then as the rails sparked there was these beautiful glows popping inside this cloud and for a split second it looked magical. As i dabbed my pathetically watery eyes i looked around to see all the other people faces no doubt full of the same sense of beauty and wonder....there were none. No one had seen it, or nobody cared that they had and i remember the feeling of annoyance that nobody else seemed bothered by that moment. I guess you're saying a little bit of the ol' peace pipe and you'd be helped with those feelings, which i think is reasonable. And as you mentioned, i guess for me it's effects would be somewhat diminished.

I can honestly say though, i don't think i've shared a pint with a friend before but i did steal a gay mans passion fruit cocktail on Friday in Soho. Shheeeaatt was he mad.

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I'm not a complete dullard for your information, like you say it's hard to describe its effects and we all use it for different reasons. And i don't smoke it constantly and i do not enjoy smoking it alone i do sometimes but it does not have the same effect. It is for recreational/social use me and my boyfriend both smoke it making it social. I have to talk when i'm stoned its annoying otherwise. If you knew me as a real entity not some bint on a forum that 90% of the time chats shit, you would know that there's more to me than a stupid username. Sorry if i painted the wrong picture of smoking for those few.

Edited by ch@v3tt3
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I'd like to experience a thread on trials forum where someone mentions weed without a massive debate, and then I'd like to experience the self control to not make it into one/join in.

For the people hating on anyone who smokes alone, I love weed but for me it's not really a social drug. As people have mentioned, it turns me into a bit of a retard on the outside, cos I'm so engrossed with stuff on the inside, so why would I want to subject my friends to that? Of course I'll have a smoke with mates, but personally I most enjoy it when I'm on my own. And as far as my life goes, it makes me more productive in the sense of drawing, designing, writing, making music etc. What I guess I'm getting at is that people react to different things in different ways, and as not as your not a massive mug who doesn't know their own limits (same with any drug then?) weed is relatively safe. If it makes you a paranoid wreck then it's probably not for you. If it makes you lazy it's probably not for you. It is for me.

And as for the whole 'it makes you happy being bored thing', yes it does, exactly right. The thing is, some of the more tiresome, repetitive, mainly computer based tasks I have to do in life do bore me, so why not be happy while I'm doing them?

Edited by Max Quinn
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Really not that difference from getting high illegally?

More of a principle thing.

Right back at you, but in the uk?

UK, USA, either would be good.

How can you even compare Cannabis to Chocolate?

Well, they're both drugs. Sure different ends of the scale, but still...

Saying cannabis doesn't have any long term effects is so stupid it causes me pain, I can acknowledge booze and fags also have effects, but they're certainly not worse, so you can't justify pot as being somehow better.

Tobacco is highly addictive, one of the most addictive drugs bar cocaine and heroin, and alcohol is pretty addictive too. Both much more addictive than marijuana. It's actually the level of addiction that is what makes drugs dangerous as you keep going back for more and suffer from the long term side effects.

So yeah whichever way you look at it marijuana is safer than alcohol and tobacco.

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Yeah, i can acknowledge it's not as simple as i appeared to put it. I think it was more of a reaction at that chav girl as she seemed to portray the archetype pot head. As i mentioned i know some very intelligent people who do it regularly so there must be something to it, but i think you're very right it's not for everyone.

It was quite strange how you mentioned me at the end as i was reading the moon story i was thinking "but i feel that sense of wonderment all the time" so couldn't really understand what you were saying and couldn't help but think pot wouldn't aid me with those feelings. For instance i'll always remember about a year ago waiting for a train on the way to work and one rushed through the station in a snowy day and it send a cloud of powdery snow everywhere. That was pretty in itself but then as the rails sparked there was these beautiful glows popping inside this cloud and for a split second it looked magical. As i dabbed my pathetically watery eyes i looked around to see all the other people faces no doubt full of the same sense of beauty and wonder....there were none. No one had seen it, or nobody cared that they had and i remember the feeling of annoyance that nobody else seemed bothered by that moment. I guess you're saying a little bit of the ol' peace pipe and you'd be helped with those feelings, which i think is reasonable. And as you mentioned, i guess for me it's effects would be somewhat diminished.

I can honestly say though, i don't think i've shared a pint with a friend before but i did steal a gay mans passion fruit cocktail on Friday in Soho. Shheeeaatt was he mad.

What you described is amazing, and it would make a great HD photo. But what I mean is it makes things we take for granted more impressive. Like I said, you see the moon every single day, and it just looks like a 2D image on the sky. The sky itself just looks like a dome above our part of the Earth. But when I'm stoned, I look up and sort of spend a bit of time looking at it and thinking about it. Instead of just taking it for granted. How we have grown to inhabit our planet, walking through Liverpool now, it's just there, it's what's always been there for me, but a few thousand years ago, it would have been nothing. I dunno, I just spend more time thinking about how amazing everything is. And I don't see why anyone would even think Religion is real, it's not giving any credit to the Physics and Chemistry behind what's really going on.

I'm not a complete dullard for your information, like you say it's hard to describe its effects and we all use it for different reasons. And i don't smoke it constantly and i do not enjoy smoking it alone i do sometimes but it does not have the same effect. It is for recreational/social use me and my boyfriend both smoke it making it social. I have to talk when i'm stoned its annoying otherwise. If you knew me as a real entity not some bint on a forum that 90% of the time chats shit, you would know that there's more to me than a stupid username. Sorry if i painted the wrong picture of smoking for those few.

Sorry if it came across that way, but I wasn't directing that at you. It was just a generalisation about the stereotypical lazy stoner.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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