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Do You Have Any Regrets?


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Do you have any regrets in your life so far? Explain and elaborate if so and also say your age. :)

For me id say at 19 I kind of wish I had tried alot harder at sixth form, I saw it as a two gear gap to pass the time before I got into Uni. Although im at a fairly decent and well organised Uni now, Just wish I would have tried that little bit more to put me in good stead at being a little more hard working.


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Do you have any regrets in your life so far? Explain and elaborate if so and also say your age. :)

honestly, I dont really regret anything ive ever done, but i regret plenty of crap i aint done (be it not taking a chance with a girl, not pursuing job oppurtunities, not trying crap on motorbike/bike/skis etc)

of all the daft, stupid, morally wrong, illegal crap i have done, none of its turned out to bad,and ive learned stuff from it all.

one of the worst experiences of my life, was spending 6 months on bail for a crime i didnt commit. Technically it only happened because I was a dick. but I still dont even regret that, it kind of showed how little some people mean to you, and how others mean the world. And also, when sh*t goes sour, and you dont have too much to lose, you appreciate stuff a lot more. Only bad thing from this, is its kinda ruined any chance of me going to the us.

Im 23, if that makes any difference.

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Most of my regrets revolve around wishing I'd made more effort at school, both inside the classroom and out.

I regularly do thoughtless stuff, so in that sense I regret not putting more thought into shit.

I also heavily regret that encounter with that lass, where being the girl's blouse I am, I turned around the wrong way.

Many a night do I lie trying to get to sleep, thinking, what the f**k would've happened if I turned the other god damn way around. For something that's such a small thing, it could've made all kinds of difference, and that is why it bugs me. It's going to follow me til the end of my days.

And that kids, is why you should make it your rule to regret DOING things, rather than regret NOT DOING them.

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I'm kind of with Fish on this one. There's not much I truly regret, because my life so far is what's led me to be the person I am today, and without meaning to sound up my self, I actually quite like me. Life has its bad points, but without them, there's nothing to make the good points stand out. Without the dark there's no contrast, and no background to make brightness stand out. If everything in life was good, then good would become the norm, and you'd still spend your life looking for something to perceive as good, against your now higher standard. I'm happy having a grounding in reality, and being able to really appreciate it when things do go my way.

Life has so many possibilities, and there's no one correct answer to how to live it. The only things I'd genuinely say I regret would be things that have caused unnecessary pain to others.

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I'm 23.

Every choice I've made has led me to where I am now.

So in a sense I'm not particularly bitter about the regrets.

For example; I wish I'd started my degree when I was 18 instead of working for 4 years and then embarking on it. However, if I hadn't bummed around after my A-Levels and then got a kick up the ass from my parents to get a job and pay rent, I wouldn't have taken the easiest job in the 'Situations Vacant' section of my local paper (Airline Baggage Handler). I wouldn't have then worked my way up through the ranks to a supervisory role. I wouldn't have reached the 'glass ceiling' and got incredibly bored. So, I wouldn't be doing an Aircraft Engineering degree and I wouldn't be getting paid to fix planes in my holidays.

There's another example that's to do with a chick (everyone has these kind of regrets). I can't be assed to go into details but I screwed that one up and I wish I hadn't. But, there are a lot of things I probably would have sacrificed for her and these sort of things are who I am. I doubt I would do as much riding, certainly not as many weekends riding in London and heading off on a roadtrip and shit like that. I also wouldn't have travelled around Australia for a few months and I wouldn't have had as many sexy times at uni!

So yeah, I'm happy with my life currently, so I have nothing to moan about and nothing to regret.

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A girl turned me down once after a month of effort thats a regret, was too much of a nice guy. Like I had my penis in her and asked if she wanted to have sex and she said "yes i do now, but i may regret it later" should have just slammed her and get out of there

Maths is a swag subject to do at uni but ill get paid later.....

so no.... no regrets

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