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Pads Breaking


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I did find a thread about pads snapping from the beginning of last year, but I didn't really fancy bumping it.

Yesterday I noticed that my pads didn't have as much braking force as they used to have. I thought it might have been the colder weather, so I went and bought myself a different pair, and when I took the old ones out, I noticed that the backings of both of them had snapped. Thank god the glue still held everything together, otherwise I might have been seriously hurt. :sick:

- They were bought somewhere in summer, but not used much at all.

- The cracks do reach down untill the where actual pad starts. Didn't really know how to take the pic.^^


I'd have thought rockpads might have made their backings stronger meanwhile (after that other thread being 1.5 years old). Pretty shocking that they didn't as I don't seem to be the only one snapping their backings!

So think twice if you would like to buy something like that or not.

Just that you know that they are still crap.

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I am not 100% sure why they do this, the backings are the standard power pad backngs that are used on pretty much every other trials pad out there. My suggestion would be to get the material out and stick it into either another set of plastic backings or put it into some metal backings.


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