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At the moment I'm having a problem with getting from one slanting rock to another the reason for this being I cant gap up the rock because it's slanted and I would end up just rolling backwards when I let the brake out. I cant back hop up to the top because my tyres are s**t and wont grip and I cant throw the bike forward because in most cases the rock is too far away.

Has anyone got any tips? It would be a great help

Thanks Grant (Y)

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Well with the front ontop of the sloped rock and backwheel on the sloped face, get your balance, keep your bars straight. When you're ready, crouch down and explode up like a normal wheelswap. Once you get better you can play around with having brakes on or off (To be honest I cant remember when I let go of my back brake, been so long since I learnt it). No rear brake gives you more spring as your forks flex. Anyways, jump and make your rear wheel land ontop of the rock (where your front was) and jobs a goodun.

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Well with the front ontop of the sloped rock and backwheel on the sloped face, get your balance, keep your bars straight. When you're ready, crouch down and explode up like a normal wheelswap. Once you get better you can play around with having brakes on or off (To be honest I cant remember when I let go of my back brake, been so long since I learnt it). No rear brake gives you more spring as your forks flex. Anyways, jump and make your rear wheel land ontop of the rock (where your front was) and jobs a goodun.

Thanks just going to set something up in my garden to try it out. ^_^

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